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Names That Mean Gracious

328 names found for "Gracious"   (page 2 of 7) 

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Looking for names that mean Gracious? We couldn't find the exact name Gracious, but listed below are some first names meaning Gracious or names similar to the word Gracious.

Similar Names

Gracia | Gracie |

Related Names

Felicity  (Latin)
Happiness, Gay, Gracious, Impetuous. (Felecia, Felice, Felicite, Felicia)
Georgianna  (English)
Gracious Farmer
Georgianne  (English)
Gracious Farmer
Gia  (Italian)
God is Gracious. Variant of Jane
Gian  (Italian)
Italian Form of John 'God is Gracious' Abbreviation of John Often Used in Combination With Other Names. Gianni is Equivalent to Johnny
Giana  (Italian)
God is Gracious. Variant of Jane
Gianara  (Italian)
God is Gracious. Variant of Jane
Giancarlo  (Italian)
God's Gracious Gift Also Manly
Giancarlo  (Italian)
Gracious and Powerful
Gianina  (Italian)
God is Gracious. Variant of Jane
Gianna  (Italian)
God is Gracious. Variant of Jane
Gianna  (Italian)
God is Gracious
Giannina  (Italian)
God is Gracious. Variant of Jane
Giovanna  (Hebrew)
Gracious Gift from God
Giovanna  (Italian)
God is Gracious
Giovanni  (Italian)
God is Gracious
Giovanni  (Italian)
Italian Forrn of John 'God is Gracious' Variant of John 'God Has Shown Favor.' See Also Jovan
Hananel  (Hebrew)
God is Gracious
Hanna  (Swedish)
Hannah  (Biblical)
Gracious; Merciful; One Who Gives
Hanne  (Danish)
Hannelore  (German)
Hans  (German)
Gift from God. God Has Been Gracious. German Variant of the Hebrew Name John
Hans  (Scandinavian)
God is Gracious
Hansel  (Scandinavian)
God is Gracious
Hanun  (Biblical)
Gracious, Merciful
Holden  (Teutonic)
Honi  (Hebrew)
Iain  (Celtic/Gaelic)
God is Gracious
Iain  (Gaelic)
God is Gracious; Gaelic Form of John. (Ee-an)
Ian  (Celtic/Gaelic)
God is Gracious
Iban  (Basque)
God's Gracious Gift (Jon)
Ioanna  (Greek)
Ivan  (Russian)
God's Gracious Gift (Vanya,Vanyusha)
Ivan  (Bulgaria)
God's Gracious Gift
Ivan  (Russian)
The Russian Form of John: Gracious Gift from God. Ivanhoe is the Medieval Variant Sir Walter Scott Used for the Saxon Hero of 'Ivanhoe.'
Ivana  (Russian)
God's Gracious Gift
Ivana  (Hebrew)
God's Gracious Gift (Iva, Ivane, Ivyl
Ivana  (Slavic)
God is Gracious
Ivana  (Russian)
Feminine of Ivan: God's Gracious Gift
Ivane  (Russian)
Feminine of Ivan: God's Gracious Gift
Ivanka  (Bulgaria)
God's Gracious Gift
Jack  (English)
Diminutive of John: God is Gracious. During the Middle Ages, Jack Was So Common That it Was Used As a General Term for 'Man' or 'Boy'. Famous Bearer: American Actor Jack Lemmon
Jack  (Polish)
God is Gracious
Jack  (English)
God is Gracious; Also a Pet Form of John
Jackie  (English)
Diminutive of Jack, Derived from John: God is Gracious. During the Middle Ages, Jack Was So Common That it Was Used As a General Term for 'Man' or 'Boy'. Famous Bearer: American Actor Jack Lemmon. Use
Jackie  (Scottish)
God Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor. Based on John or Jacques
Jackson  (Scottish)
God Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor. Based on John or Jacques
Jacky  (Scottish)
God Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor. Based on John or Jacques
Jaina  (English)
Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor. Variant of Joan
328 names found for "Gracious"   (page 2 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Lavey | Ariabod | Erendiria | Mahamari | Kalman | Frederico | Pochereth | Niti | Jiphtah | Vartan | Alameda | Sergei | Brexton | Jem | Devadutt |