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Names That Mean Gracious

328 names found for "Gracious"   (page 1 of 7) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Looking for names that mean Gracious? We couldn't find the exact name Gracious, but listed below are some first names meaning Gracious or names similar to the word Gracious.

Similar Names

Gracia | Gracie |

Related Names

A'Marie  (American)
Gracious Under Adversity
Abdul Rahmaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Rahman: Servant of the Mercifully Gracious
Abdul Rahman  (Muslim)
Servant of the Mercifully Gracious
Abdul-Rahmaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-rahman: Servant of the Mercifully Gracious
Abdul-Rahman  (Muslim)
Servant of the Mercifully Gracious
Alma  (Celtic)
All Good, Latin: Fair, Gracious, Forgiving, Tender-hearted, Independent Spirit
Amy  (Latin)
Beloved, Good-natured, Brave, Gracious, Loved by Everyone
Ana  (Latin)
Ania  (Slavic)
Anika  (Scandinavian)
Anita  (Latin)
Anitra  (American)
Ann  (Hebrew)
Anna  (Hebrew)
Anna  (English)
Gracious, Full of Grace
Anna  (Biblical)
Gracious; One Who Gives
Annag  (Gaelic)
Gracious; Full of Grace; Gaelic Form of Anna. (An-nah)
Annalise  (German)
Gracious, Consecreted to God
Anne  (English)
Gracious; from the Hebrew Hannah (Chaanach, Hannah). Variations: Anna, Annag, Annot. (An-nah)
Anne  (Hebrew)
Anneliese  (Greek)
Consecrated and Gracious
Annelise  (German)
Gracious, Consecreted to God
Annella  (Scottish)
Gracious; from Anne. (An-nel-lah)
Annette  (French)
Annick  (Russian)
Annot  (Scottish)
Gracious; Scottish Form of Anne. (An-not)
Anya  (Russian)
Benigna  (Latin)
Bertha  (Teutonic)
Shining One, Simple, Domesticated, Gracious
Carrieann  (American)
Gracious and Womanly
Ceana  (Celtic/Gaelic)
God is Gracious
Chana  (Hebrew)
Cheyne  (Celtic/Gaelic)
God is Gracious
Chonen  (Hebrew)
Choni  (Hebrew)
Cianna  (Italian)
God is Gracious
Deonaid  (Gaelic)
God is Gracious; Form of Seonaid, Which is the Gaelic Form of Janet (God is Gracious). (Deh-nade)
Deshawn  (African American)
God is Gracious
Desmond  (Anglo Saxon)
Gracious Defender
Edelina  (German)
Edeline  (German)
Ediline  (German)
Elhanan  (Hebrew)
Variant of Elchanan: God is Good; God is Gracious
Elhannan  (Hebrew)
Variant of Elchanan: God is Good; God is Gracious
Elisha  (Hebrew)
God is Gracious
Eoin  (Gaelic)
God is Gracious, a Gaelic Form of John. (Ee-un)
Evan  (Welsh)
Young. The Welsh Form of the Hebrew John, Meaning God Has Been Gracious, or God Has Shown Favor
Evans  (English)
Son of Evan. Evan is the Welsh Form of the Hebrew John, Meaning God Has Been Gracious, or God Has Shown Favor
Fadhl  (Arabic)
Variant of Fadl: Gracious
Fadl  (Arabic)
328 names found for "Gracious"   (page 1 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Alden | Silvano | Wiellaford | Howell | Mubarak | Merric | Adriel | Roderik | Severin | Davina | Azalea | Alaura | Marghoob | Christian | Kavi |