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Names That Mean Hill

448 names found for "Hill"   (page 6 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean Hill? We couldn't find the exact name Hill, but listed below are some first names meaning Hill or names similar to the word Hill.

Similar Names

Hail | Hal | Hale | Hali | Halil | Hall | Heall | Heli | Hiel | Hillel |

Related Names

Hor  (Biblical)
Who Conceives, or Shows, a Hill
Hor-hagidgad  (Biblical)
The Hill of Felicity
Hor-hagidgad  (Biblical)
The Hill of Felicity
Horam  (Biblical)
Their Hill
Huntingden  (English)
From the Hunter's Hill
Huntingdon  (English)
From the Hunter's Hill
Hwithloew  (English)
From the White Hill
Kaphiri  (Egyptian)
Kia  (African)
Kia  (African)
Kinnard  (Gaelic)
From the High Hill
Kiona  (Native American)
Brown Hills
Kip  (English)
From the Pointed Hill
Kipp  (English)
From the Pointed Hill
Kipp  (English)
High Hill
Kippar  (English)
From the Pointed Hill
Kippie  (English)
From the Pointed Hill
Kirima  (Native American)
Kirima  (Native American)
A Hill
Knocks  (English)
From the Hills
Knox  (English)
From the Hills
Knox  (English)
Kopecky  (Czechoslovakian)
Koty  (French)
Variant of Coty: Small Hill
Kuwanyamtiwa  (Native American)
Beautiful Badger Going Over the Hill (Hopi)
Lancdon  (English)
From the Long Hill Slope
Landon  (English)
From the Long Hill
Langdon  (English)
From the Long Hill
Law  (English)
From the Hill
Lawe  (English)
From the Hill
Lawford  (English)
From the Ford at the Hill
Lawley  (English)
From the Hill Meadow
Lawly  (English)
From the Hill Meadow
Lawton  (English)
From the Hillside Farm
Lifton  (English)
From Tbe Hillside Town
Lindberg  (German)
From the Linden Tree Hill
Lindeberg  (German)
From the Linden Tree Hill
Litton  (English)
From Tbe Hillside Town
Ludlow  (English)
From the Prince's Hill
Lydon  (Teutonic)
From the Linden Tree Hill
Lynde  (English)
From the Hill of Linden Trees
Lyndon  (English)
Lime Tree Hill. Lives by the Linden Tree. Both a Surname and Place Name. Famous Bearer: Past American President Lyndon Baines Johnson
Mac Ghille Aindrei  (Gaelic)
Son of the One Who Served the Manly One
Mac Ghille Bhuidhe  (Gaelic)
Son of the One Who Serves the Blond One
Mac Ghille Dhuibh  (Gaelic)
Son of the One Who Serves the Dark Man
Mac Ghille Dhuinn  (Gaelic)
Son of the One Who Serves Brown
Mac Ghille Laider  (Gaelic)
Son of the One Who Serves the Strong Armed One
Mac Ghille Mhichei  (Gaelic)
Son of the One Who Served Saint Michael
Maharai  (Biblical)
Hasting, a Hill, from a Hill
Maharai  (Biblical)
Hasting, a Hill, from a Hill
448 names found for "Hill"   (page 6 of 9) 

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Additional Names

Adonikam | Amall | Petula | Ning | Wambleeska | MacNicol | Hans | Channary | Rayne | Norton | Micah | Llesenia | Tokala | Milly | Judea |