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Names That Mean Hill

448 names found for "Hill"   (page 1 of 9) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

Looking for names that mean Hill? We couldn't find the exact name Hill, but listed below are some first names meaning Hill or names similar to the word Hill.

Similar Names

Hail | Hal | Hale | Hali | Halil | Hall | Heall | Heli | Hiel | Hillel |

Related Names

Achilles  (Greek)
Taciturn, Sympathetic
Achilles  (Shakespearean)
'The History of Troilus and Cressida' a Greek Commander
Achilles  (Greek)
The Mythological Hero of the Trojan War Famous for His Valor and Manly Beauty - His Only Weak Spot Was His Ankle (Hence Achilles' Heel)
Achilles  (Latin)
Hero of the Greeks
Achillides  (Latin)
Descendant of Achilles
Achillios  (Greek)
Name of a River
Aeacus  (Greek)
Son of Zeus; Grandfather of Achilles
Aethelisdun  (English)
From the Noble's Hill
Aetheston  (English)
From the Noble's Hill
Alba  (Latin)
White Hill
Alban  (Latin)
White Hill
Albany  (Latin)
White Hill
Amery  (Irish)
Ridge; Long Hill
Amphitrite  (Latin)
Aunt of Achilles
Aravali  (Hindu)
Name of a Hill
Ardara  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Fort on the Hill
Areopagus  (Biblical)
The Hill of Mars
Areopagus  (Biblical)
The Hill of Mars
Arlo  (English)
Fortified Hill
Arlo  (German)
Armageddon  (Biblical)
A Hill of Fruits, Mountain of Megiddo
Armageddon  (Biblical)
A Hill of Fruits, Mountain of Megiddo
Athelston  (English)
From the Noble's Hill
Baerhloew  (English)
Ruler or Lives on the Bare Hill
Banagher  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Pointed Hill
Barhloew  (English)
Lives on the Bare Hill
Barlow  (English)
Lives on the Bare Hill
Barlowe  (English)
Variant of Barlow: Hillside
Barrlow  (English)
Variant of Barlow: Hillside
Bartholemew  (Hebrew)
Hill, Furrow
Barto  (Spanish)
Hill, Furrow
Birdhil  (English)
From the Bird Hill
Birdhill  (English)
From the Bird Hill
Birgin  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Bergen: Lives on the Hillside
Birtel  (English)
From the Bird Hill
Birtle  (English)
From the Bird Hill
Boell  (German)
Hill Dweller
Bourke  (English)
Fortified Hill. See Also Berkley
Braddon  (Irish)
Broad Hillside
Braddon  (English)
Broad Hillside
Braden  (Irish)
Broad Hillside
Braden  (English)
Broad Hillside
Bradon  (Irish)
Broad Hillside
Bradon  (English)
Broad Hillside
Braeden  (English)
Broad Hillside
Braeden  (Irish)
Broad Hillside
Braedon  (English)
Broad Hillside
Braedon  (Irish)
Broad Hillside
Braleah  (English)
From the Hillslope Meadow
Bran  (English)
Diminutive of Brandon: Sword; Fiery Hill
448 names found for "Hill"   (page 1 of 9) 

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Additional Names

Anoush | Parkin | Apollo | Cestmir | Elisha | Eurydice | Lizbeth | Kundegunde | Prospero | Alastrina | Shamara | Mylnburne | Demos | Francisco | Goldie |