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Names That Mean Judge

158 names found for "Judge"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Judge? We couldn't find the exact name Judge, but listed below are some first names meaning Judge or names similar to the word Judge.

Similar Names

Judas |

Related Names

Debra  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Debrah  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Debralee  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Dedan  (Biblical)
Their Breasts, Friendship, a Judge
Deems  (English)
Judge's Son
Deen  (Hebrew)
God Will Judge
Deman  (Anglo Saxon)
Demason  (English)
Judge's Son
Demasone  (English)
Judge's Son
Dempsey  (English)
From the Judge's Meadow
Dempster  (English)
Devery  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Devi  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Devora  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Devorah  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Devoria  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Devra  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Devri  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Dina  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Dina  (Spanish)
Form of Hebrew Dinah. Judged and Vindicated. in the Bible Dinah Was Jacob's Only Daughter
Dina  (Hebrew)
God Has Judged
Dina  (Russian)
Dinah  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Dinah  (Hebrew)
Judged One (Deanna, Deanne, Deena),Loyal, Truthful, Affectionate
Dinah  (Biblical)
Judgment; Who Judges
Dinora  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Dinora  (Spanish)
Form of Hebrew Dinah. Judged and Vindicated. in the Bible Dinah Was Jacob's Only Daughter
Dinorah  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Donois  (Hebrew)
Variant of Daniel: God is My Judge
Dusan  (Slavic)
Lord and Judge
Dusan  (Hebrew)
Variant of Daniel: God is My Judge
Dynah  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Elishaphat  (Biblical)
My God Judgeth
Elishaphat  (Biblical)
My God Judgeth
Elvira  (Spanish)
Impartial Judgement
Faysal  (Islamic)
A Judge, a Separator of Right and Wrong
Freida  (German)
Wise Judge
Haatim  (Muslim)
Variant of Hatim: Judge. Inevitable. Unavoidable
Hatim  (Muslim)
Judge. Inevitable. Unavoidable
Jadon  (Hebrew)
He Will Judge
Jehoshaphat  (Biblical)
The Lord is Judge
Josaphat  (Biblical)
The Lord is Judge
Kato  (Latin)
Good Judgement
Pelethites  (Biblical)
Judges; Destroyers
Qaadhee  (Muslim)
Variant of Qadhi: Magistrate. Justice. Judge
Qadhi  (Muslim)
Magistrate. Justice. Judge
Ramiro  (Portuguese)
Supreme Judge (Ramirez)
Ramiro  (Portuguese)
Supreme Judge
Rashad  (Islamic)
Good Judgement
Reginald  (Teutonic)
Powerful Judgement, Another Form is Ronald, Discreet, Discerning, Imaginative
158 names found for "Judge"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Vassil | Denver | Irshemesh | Magdala | Kathyayan | Trini | Pandarus | Irvine | Roisin | Darrah | Aeldra | Davina | Lacyann | Harman | Chad |