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Names That Mean Judge |
158 names found for "Judge" (page 4 of 4) |
Looking for names that mean Judge? We couldn't find the exact name Judge, but listed below are some first names meaning Judge or names similar to the word Judge.
Similar Names
Judas |
Related Names
Name of God. Biblical Prophet and Judge Who Anointed Saul and David As Kings of Israel. Sami: (Arabic) 'Honored'
Name of God. Biblical Prophet and Judge Who Anointed Saul and David As Kings of Israel. Sami: (Arabic) 'Honored'
Cuts the Nap of Woolen Cloth. 'shireman' in Medieval Times the Shireman Served As Governor-judge of an English Shire or County
Cuts the Nap of Woolen Cloth. 'shireman' in Medieval Times the Shireman Served As Governor-judge of an English Shire or County