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Names That Mean Legend

331 names found for "Legend"   (page 6 of 7) 

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Looking for names that mean Legend? We couldn't find the exact name Legend, but listed below are some first names meaning Legend or names similar to the word Legend.

Related Names

Morvudd  (Welsh)
Legendary Daughter of Uryen
Naw  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Seithved
Neb  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Caw
Nerth  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Cadam
Nerthach  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Gwawrddur
Neued  (Welsh)
Legendary Father of Tringad
Neued  (Welsh)
Legendary Daughter of Kyvwich
Nissyen  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Eurosswydd
Nynnyaw  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Beli
Odgar  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Aedd
Ol  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Olwydd
Ondyaw  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of a French Duke
Peissawg  (Welsh)
Legendary King of Brittany
Penarddun  (Welsh)
Legendary Daughter of Beli
Perce  (English)
Diminutive of Percival: Pierces the Valley. One of the Knights of the Round Table Who Searched for the Holy Grail (In Arthurian Legend)
Percival  (English)
Pierces the Valley. One of the Knights of the Round Table Who Searched for the Holy Grail (In Arthurian Legend)
Peredur  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Evrawg
Phyllis  (Greek)
Leafy Foliage; Green Bough. in Greek Legend, Phyllis Was Changed to an Almond Tree After Her Death, and Bore No Leaves Until Her Lover Returned
Pryderi  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Pwyll
Rathtyen  (Welsh)
Legendary Daughter of Clememyl
Rheged  (Welsh)
Legendary Father of Gwres
Rhioganedd  (Welsh)
Legendary a Prince of Ireland
Rhun  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Beli
Rhuvawn  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Deorthach
Rhyawdd  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Morgant
Roland  (German)
Famed Land; Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Roland  (English)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Roland  (French)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rolando  (French)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rolando  (German)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rollan  (French)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rollan  (German)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rolland  (French)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rolland  (German)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rollie  (French)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rollie  (German)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rollo  (French)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rolly  (German)
Diminutive of Roland: Famed Land; Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Roly  (German)
Diminutive of Roland: Famed Land; Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rowland  (English)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rowland  (French)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Sabrina  (English)
Legendary Princess
Sabrina  (Latin)
From Cyprus, or from the River Severn. in British Legend, Sabrina Was the Illegitimate Daughter of the King of Britain and Was Drowned in the River by Her Father's Ex-wife
SciIti  (Celtic)
Legendary Messenger of Arthur
Sel  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Selgi
Selyv  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Kynan
Siawn  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Iaen
Sinnoch  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Seithved
Siobhan  (English)
Variant of Joan: God is Gracious. Feminine Form of John Famous Bearers: Legendary Pope Joan, Who Was a Woman Masquerading As a Man; French Heroine Joan of Arc (Jeanne D'Arc); Actresses Joan Crawford,
Sugyn  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Sugynedydd
331 names found for "Legend"   (page 6 of 7) 

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Additional Names

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