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Names That Mean Legend

331 names found for "Legend"   (page 7 of 7) 

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Looking for names that mean Legend? We couldn't find the exact name Legend, but listed below are some first names meaning Legend or names similar to the word Legend.

Related Names

Sulyen  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Iaen
Syvwkh  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Cleddyv Kyvwich
Talli  (American)
A Legendary Hero Who Led the Tribe After the Great Flood
Tangwen  (Welsh)
Legendary Daughter of Gweir
Teithi  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Gwynnan
Teleri  (Welsh)
Legendary Daughter of Peul
Teregud  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Iaen
Tringad  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Neued
Tristan  (English)
Sorrowful. Literary: a Famous Knight in the Arthurian Legends (Tris, Tristan, Tristram). Origin: Welsh
Tristan  (Celtic)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristan  (English)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristan  (French)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristen  (Arthurian Legend)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristen  (Celtic)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristen  (English)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristen  (French)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristian  (Arthurian Legend)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristian  (Celtic)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristian  (English)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristian  (French)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristin  (Arthurian Legend)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristin  (Celtic)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristin  (English)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristin  (French)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Uchdryd  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Erim
Vorath  (Welsh)
Variant of Iorwerth: Worthy Lord. Derived from 'Ior' and 'Gwerth'. Legendary Son of Maredudd
Wadu  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Seithved
Wyanet  (Native American)
Ygraine  (Arthurian Legend)
In Arthurian Legend Igrayne is Mother of Arthur
Ysberin  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Fflergant
Ysgawyn  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Panon
331 names found for "Legend"   (page 7 of 7) 

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Additional Names

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