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Names That Mean Prophet

212 names found for "Prophet"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Prophet? We couldn't find the exact name Prophet, but listed below are some first names meaning Prophet or names similar to the word Prophet.

Similar Names

Prabhat |

Related Names

Chuza  (Biblical)
The Seer or Prophet
Chuza  (Biblical)
The Seer or Prophet
Cibil  (English)
Variant of Sibyl; in Greek Mythology a Name for Prophetess or Fortune-teller
Colhozeh  (Biblical)
Every Prophet
Daa'ood  (Muslim)
Variant of Daud: the Biblical David is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Dana  (Hebrew)
Variant of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Prophet Daniel Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Dana  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Daniel Was a Th Century Bc Prophet Who Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Danette  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Daniel Was a Th Century Bc Prophet Who Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Daniel  (Hebrew)
God is My Judge. The Biblical Prophet and Writer of Book of Daniel Was a Teenager When Taken to Babylon After the Destruction of Jerusalem in Bc. He Survived Two Death Sentences: (A Lions' Den and a F
Daniel  (Islamic)
Name of a Prophet
Daniella  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Daniel Was a Th Century Bc Prophet Who Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Danita  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Daniel Was a Th Century Bc Prophet Who Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Danuta  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Daniel Was a Th Century Bc Prophet Who Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Daud  (Islamic)
A Prophet (Dawud)
Daud  (Muslim)
The Biblical David is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Dawood  (Muslim)
Variant of Daud: the Biblical David is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Dawoud  (Muslim)
Variant of Daud: the Biblical David is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Deb  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Debbie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Debby  (Hebrew)
Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Deborah  (Hebrew)
Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Deborah  (Hebrew)
Bee, Materialistic, Cautious, Calm, Biblical Prophetess. (Deb, Debby, Debbie, Dee)
Debra  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Debrah  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Debralee  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Devery  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Devi  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Devora  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Devorah  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Devoria  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Devra  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Devri  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Dhul Fiqaar  (Muslim)
Name of Prophet Muhammad's Sword
Easau  (Muslim)
Variant of Issa: the Biblical Jesus is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Eesaa  (Muslim)
Variant of Issa: the Biblical Jesus is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Eli  (Hebrew)
High, Ascended, or 'My God'. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Priest Eli Cared for the Prophet Samuel When Samuel Was a Child
Elijah  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is God. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Prophet Elijah
Elisha  (Hebrew)
God is Salvation. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Prophet Elisha Was a Disciple and Successor of Elijah
Elkanah  (Hebrew)
God Has Created. Famous Bearer: Elkanah, the Old Testament Father of the Prophet Samuel
Ezekiel  (Hebrew)
God Strengthens. Biblical Ezekiel Was a Prophet Among the Captives Taken to Babylon at the First Fall of Jerusalem Who Wrote the Book of Ezekiel in Captivity. See Also Zeke
Fatima  (Muslim)
One Who Weans. Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad
Fatima  (Islamic)
Muhammad's Daughter, the Daughter of the Prophet
Fatima  (Arabic)
Daughter of the Prophet
Fatima  (Arabic)
Captivating. Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad; One of Four Perfect Women Mentioned in the Koran. The Other Three Were Aisha; Khadijah; and Mary
Fatimah  (Muslim)
Variant of Fatima: One Who Weans. Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad
Fatimah  (Arabic)
Variant of Fatima. Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad; One of Four Perfect Women Mentioned in the Koran. The Other Three Were Aisha; Khadijah; and Mary
Haaroon  (Muslim)
Variant of Harun: the Biblical Aaron is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Haashim  (Muslim)
Variant of Hashim: Name of Prophet Mohammed's Grandfather. Old Arabic Name. Generosity
Hafsah  (Muslim)
Wife of the Prophet Muhammad
Hafsah  (Egyptian)
Married to the Prophet
212 names found for "Prophet"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Additional Names

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