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Names That Mean Prophet

212 names found for "Prophet"   (page 5 of 5) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Looking for names that mean Prophet? We couldn't find the exact name Prophet, but listed below are some first names meaning Prophet or names similar to the word Prophet.

Similar Names

Prabhat |

Related Names

Yahya  (Muslim)
The Biblical John is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Yahyaa  (Muslim)
Variant of Yahya: the Biblical John is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Yasin  (Muslim)
Sura in Ou'Ran. Name of Prophet Muhammad
Yoonus  (Muslim)
Variant of Yunus: the Biblical Jonas is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Yoosuf  (Muslim)
Variant of Yusuf: the Biblical Joseph is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Yunus  (Muslim)
The Biblical Jonas is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Yusuf  (Muslim)
The Biblical Joseph is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Zachariah  (Hebrew)
Jehovah Has Remembered. Variant of Zechariah. The Name of Biblical Persons Including the Prophet Who Wrote the Book of Zechariah
Zainab  (Muslim)
Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad
Zakariya  (Muslim)
Zechariah. Biblical Prophet's Name
Zakariyyaa  (Muslim)
Variant of Zakariya: Zechariah. Biblical Prophet's Name
Zaynab  (Muslim)
Variant of Zainab: Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad

Additional Names

Dubhglas | Kumiko | Geranium | Jock | Ashburn | Irina | Orly | Binyamin | Luella | Shivadut | Ib | Kassidy | Camedyr | Washbourne | Aharnish |