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Names That Mean Pure

636 names found for "Pure"   (page 2 of 13) 

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Looking for names that mean Pure? We couldn't find the exact name Pure, but listed below are some first names meaning Pure or names similar to the word Pure.

Similar Names

Parr | Per | Pero | Peru | Perye | Pir | Pruie | Pur | Pari | Peri |

Related Names

Cade  (American)
Cadee  (American)
Cadi  (Welsh)
Cait  (Scottish)
Variant of Katherine, Meaning Pure
Cait  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Cait  (Gaelic)
Cait  (Scottish)
Derived from the English Kate; Also Short for of Gaelic Caitriona (Pure, Unsullied). Variations: Ceit (Kate)
Caitie  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Caitilin  (Greek)
Caitir  (Scottish)
Pure; Derived from Caitriona, Which is a Gaelic Form of Katherine. (Kay-tr)
Caitir  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Pure, Unsullied
CaitIyn  (Greek)
Caitlan  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Caitland  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Caitlin  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Caitlin  (French)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suffered To
Caitlin  (Latin)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina. Famous Bearers: a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suffered To
Caitlin  (Gaelic)
Pure. an Irish Gaelic Variant of Catherine from the Old French Form of the Name
Caitlin  (Irish)
Caitlin  (Greek)
Form of the Greek Catherine Meaning 'Pure'
Caitlinn  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Caitlyn  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Caitlyn  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Pure Beauty
Caitlynn  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Caitrin  (Scottish)
Variant of Katherine, Meaning Pure
Caitrin  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Caitrin  (Greek)
Caitrin  (Gaelic)
Form of the Greek Catherine Meaning 'Pure'
Caitriona  (Gaelic)
Pure, Unsullied; a Gaelic Form of Katherine. Anglicization: Catriona and Catrina. Variations: Caitriana, Catrina, Catriona. Short Forms: Cait, Ceit. Pet: Ceiteag, Tnona. (Kay-tree-o-nah)
Caitriona  (Greek)
Caitryn  (Greek)
Candace  (Greek)
Fire White, Pure
Candida  (Latin)
Pure, Bright
Candida  (Spanish)
Pure or White
Candide  (Latin)
Pure, Bright
Candra  (Greek)
Pure and Chaste
Caren  (Swedish)
Carey  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Carina  (Swedish)
Carina  (French)
Carine  (Swedish)
Carine  (French)
Caron  (French)
Pure, Untarnished
Cary  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Casey  (Latin)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suff
Casey  (French)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Casta  (Spanish)
Casta  (Latin)
Pure, Pius or Modest One
Casta  (Spanish)
Cat  (Irish)
636 names found for "Pure"   (page 2 of 13) 

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Additional Names

Zasha | Esmeralda | Madhumalati | Koldobika | Niocol | Ermanno | Slany | Jerry | Sugn | Kiona | Darylyn | Paris | Brannon | Blathma | Tadhg |