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Names That Mean Pure

636 names found for "Pure"   (page 3 of 13) 

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Looking for names that mean Pure? We couldn't find the exact name Pure, but listed below are some first names meaning Pure or names similar to the word Pure.

Similar Names

Parr | Per | Pero | Peru | Perye | Pir | Pruie | Pur | Pari | Peri |

Related Names

Catalin  (Greek)
Pure. Clear
Catalin  (Spanish)
Catalin  (Basque)
Catalina  (Spanish)
Catalina  (Portuguese)
Form of the Greek Catherine Meaning Pure
Catalyn  (Greek)
Pure. Clear
Catarina  (Greek)
Pure. Clear
Catarina  (Italian)
Form of the Greek Catherine Meaning Pure
Catarine  (Italian)
Cate  (Greek)
Cateline  (French)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Catelyn  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
Caterina  (Italian)
Caterina  (Portuguese)
Form of the Greek Catherine Meaning Pure
Cath  (Irish)
Diminutive of Katherine: Pure. Clear. from the Gaelic Form Caitlin
Cath  (Latin)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suff
Cath  (French)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Catharina  (Greek)
Pure. Clear
Catharine  (Latin)
Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suffered Torture on a Spiked
Catharine  (Irish)
Form of the Greek Catherine Meaning Pure
Catherin  (Greek)
Pure. Clear
Catherine  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine: Pure. Clear. Innocent. from the Gaelic Form Caitlin
Catherine  (Greek)
Pure. Famous Bearer: Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia
Catherine  (Greek)
Pure, Virginal
Catherine  (Greek)
Pure, Purity (Caitin, Caterina, Cathee, Cathi, Cathy, Cathlin, Caty, Kathy, Kathie, Kate, Katy, Katie, Cathleen, Kathleen)
Catherine  (Latin)
Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suffered Torture on a Spiked
Catherine  (French)
Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suffered Torture on a Spiked Whee
Catheryn  (Greek)
Pure. Clear
Catheryna  (Greek)
Pure. Clear
Cathi  (English)
Form of the Greek Catherine Meaning Pure
Cathia  (English)
Form of the Greek Catherine Meaning Pure
Cathicen  (Latin)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suffere
Cathicen  (French)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Cathie  (English)
Form of the Greek Catherine Meaning Pure
CathIyn  (Greek)
Pure. Clear
Cathleen  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine: Pure. Clear. Innocent. from the Gaelic Form Caitlin
Cathleen  (Greek)
Pure. Clear
Cathlin  (Greek)
Pure. Clear
Cathrine  (Gaelic)
Form of the Greek Catherine Meaning Pure
Cathryn  (Greek)
Pure. Clear
Cathryn  (Irish)
Form of the Greek Catherine Meaning 'Pure'
Cathy  (English)
This Diminutive of Catherine or Kathleen is Sometimes Used As an Independent Name. Form of the Greek Catherine Meaning Pure
Cathy  (Greek)
Cathy  (Greek)
Form of the Greek Catherine Meaning 'Pure'
Cathy  (Irish)
Diminutive of Katherine: Pure. Clear. from the Gaelic Form Caitlin
Cathy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. it Was Borne by a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suff
Cathy  (French)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Catia  (Greek)
Pure. Clear
Catlee  (Irish)
Catlin  (Irish)
Variant of Katherine Meaning Pure
636 names found for "Pure"   (page 3 of 13) 

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Additional Names

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