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Names That Mean Ruler

586 names found for "Ruler"   (page 3 of 12) 

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Looking for names that mean Ruler? We couldn't find the exact name Ruler, but listed below are some first names meaning Ruler or names similar to the word Ruler.

Related Names

Dick  (German)
Powerful, Rich Ruler
Dick  (English)
Rhyming Nickname from Medieval Times. Richard 'strong Ruler' Was Shortened to Rick Then Rhymed to Dick
Dickie  (German)
Diminutive of Richard: Hard Ruler
Dickon  (German)
Diminutive of Richard: Hard Ruler
Dickson  (English)
Variant of Dick from Richard 'strong Ruler.'
Dicky  (German)
Diminutive of Richard: Hard Ruler
Diderik  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Diederik: Ruler (Of the People)
Didrik  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Diederik: Ruler (Of the People)
Diederich  (German)
People's Ruler
Diederik  (Scandinavian)
Ruler (Of the People)
Diedrick  (German)
Gifted Ruler. Variant of Diederick
Dierck  (German)
People's Ruler
Dierk  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Diederik: Ruler (Of the People)
Dietz  (German)
People's Ruler
Dirk  (Dutch)
A Diminutive of Derek Meaning People Ruler. Famous Bearer: British Actor Dirk Bogarde. A Dutch Forms of Theodoric
Dirk  (German)
Famous Ruler
Dirk  (English)
Variant of Derek: Gifted Ruler. People Ruler. Variant of the Old German Theodoric. Famous Bearer: Derrick Was a Th Century Hangman at Tyhurn, Whose Name Became Synonymous With 'Gallows' and Now Refers
Dix  (English)
Variant of Dick from Richard 'strong Ruler.'
Dolaidh  (Gaelic)
World Ruler; Gaelic Form of Dolly, Which is a Pet Form of Donald
Dolaidh  (Scottish)
World Ruler; Rules the World
Domhnall  (Gaelic)
Mighty Ruler of the World; Gaelic Name Thought to Be Derived from the Primitive Celtic Dubno-walos, from Dubno (World) and Walos (Mighty, Ruler). Anglicization: Donald
Domhnall  (Scottish)
Variant of Dolaidh: World Ruler; Rules the World
Domhnull  (Scottish)
All Ruler
Donald  (English)
World Ruler; Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Domhnall. (Don, Dolly, Donnie, Donny)
Donalda  (Scottish)
World Ruler; a Feminine Form of Donald, Which is an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Domhnall (World Ruler). Variations: Donella, Dolanna, Dolena, Dolina. Short: Donna, Ina, Lena, Lina. (Don-al-dah)
Donel  (Scottish)
All Ruler
Donell  (Scottish)
All Ruler
Donnag  (Scottish)
World Ruler; a Feminine Diminutive Form of Donald, an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Domhnall (World Ruler). Short Forms: Donna. Pet Names: Doileag, Dolag, Dollag. (Don-nah)
Eadric  (English)
Wealthy Ruler
Eadweald  (English)
Wealthy Ruler
Ealuvig  (Gaelic)
Ruler of the Home
Eanraig  (Scottish)
Home Ruler
Eanraig  (Gaelic)
Home Ruler, Ruler of a Enclosure; Gaelic Form of Henry.(Ane-ray)
Edingu  (Basque)
Famous Ruler
Edingu  (German)
Famous Ruler
Edric  (English)
Prosperous Ruler
Edrigu  (Basque)
Famous Ruler
Eikki  (Norse)
Eternal Ruler
Eiric  (Scottish)
Eirica  (Scottish)
Eirik  (Norse)
Forever Strong or Eternal Ruler
Eldred  (English)
Variant of Aldred: from the Old English Ealdraed, Meaning Old Counsel, Wise or Red Haired Man, Old Wise Ruler
Eldrian  (English)
Old/Wise Ruler
Eldrick  (English)
Old/Wise Ruler
Eldridge  (English)
Old/Wise Ruler
Eldwin  (English)
Old/Wise Ruler
Elfrida  (German)
Peaceful Ruler. Variant of Frieda
Elric  (English)
Wise Ruler
Emery  (German)
Brave; Powerful. from the Old German Name Emmerich, Derived from 'Amal', Meaning Labour and 'Ne', Meaning Ruler. Variant of Amory. Commonly Used As a Surname
Emery  (German)
Ruler of Work
586 names found for "Ruler"   (page 3 of 12) 

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Additional Names

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