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Names That Mean Ruler

586 names found for "Ruler"   (page 7 of 12) 

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Looking for names that mean Ruler? We couldn't find the exact name Ruler, but listed below are some first names meaning Ruler or names similar to the word Ruler.

Related Names

Herbert  (German)
Bright, Excellent Army, Ruler
Heriberto  (Spanish)
Herrick  (German)
War Ruler
Hester  (Persian)
Star. Myrtle Leaf. A Latinized Form of Esther. Esther Was a Young Hebrew Woman in the Bible Who Married the Persian Ruler Xerxes and Risked Her Life to Save Her People
Hrorek  (Teutonic)
Famous Ruler
Hrothrehr  (Irish)
Famous Ruler
Jeric  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jerica  (American)
Strong, a Gifted Ruler
Jerick  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jerric  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jerrick  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jerriel  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jetje  (Teutonic)
Ruler of the Home
Kendall  (English)
Ruler of the Bright River Valley. Surname Referring to Kent in England
Kenrick  (English)
Royal Ruler. Chief Hero. Used More Commonly As a Surname
Kenriek  (English)
Royal Ruler
Kenrik  (English)
Royal Ruler
Kenryk  (English)
Royal Ruler
Kerrie  (English)
Ketty  (English)
Kim  (English)
Kimberly  (English)
Kimn  (English)
King  (American)
Kirjath-baal  (Biblical)
City of Baal, or of a Ruler
Kirjath-baal  (Biblical)
City of Baal, or of a Ruler
Konala  (Hawaiian)
World Ruler
Ksathra  (Persian)
Kyra  (Greek)
Kyrene  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Lord, Ruler
Laci  (Slavic)
Famous Ruler
Lacko  (Slavic)
Famous Ruler
Laco  (Czechoslovakian)
Famous Ruler
Ladislas  (Slavic)
Good Ruler
Landry  (Anglo Saxon)
Laraine  (French)
Variant of Lorraine: from Lorraine. from Lotharingia. from Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair Was a Ruler of the Region During the Th Century
Larraine  (French)
Variant of Lorraine: from Lorraine. from Lotharingia. from Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair Was a Ruler of the Region During the Th Century
Laszlo  (Hungarian)
Famous Ruler
Laszlo  (Slavic)
Famous Ruler
Lauraine  (French)
Variant of Lorraine: from Lorraine. from Lotharingia. from Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair Was a Ruler of the Region During the Th Century
Lazlo  (Slavic)
Famous Ruler
Leofric  (English)
Dear Ruler. The Husband of Lady Godiva in the Th Century
Li  (Chinese)
Means Either 'strength' or 'Plum' or 'Black' or 'sharp' in Chinese. Li Ssu-hsun Was a Chinese Landscape Painter, Li Po Was a Chinese Poet, and Li Yu Was a Chinese Poet and Ruler of the Southern Tang K
Li  (Chinese)
Means Either 'strength' or 'Plum' or 'Black' or 'sharp' in Chinese. Li Ssu-hsun Was a Chinese Landscape Painter, Li Po Was a Chinese Poet, and Li Yu Was a Chinese Poet and Ruler of the Southern Tang K
Llewelyn  (Celtic)
Lorraine  (French)
From Lorraine. from Lotharingia. from Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair Was a Ruler of the Region During the Th Century
Mabuz  (Arthurian Legend)
Ruler of Death Castle
MacDomhnall  (Scottish)
Son of the World's Ruler
MacDonald  (Scottish)
Son of the World's Ruler
MacDonell  (Scottish)
Son of the World's Ruler
586 names found for "Ruler"   (page 7 of 12) 

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Additional Names

Brangwy | Hesutu | Vara | Giles | Jehaziel | Grainne | Ciceron | Amanda | Dondre | Elpenor | Cassaundra | Rayshaun | Hestia | Lada | Cis |