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Names That Mean Shining

207 names found for "Shining"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Shining? We couldn't find the exact name Shining, but listed below are some first names meaning Shining or names similar to the word Shining.

Similar Names

Sheng | Shing | Shuang |

Related Names

Delling  (Norse)
Dellingr  (Norse)
Diya  (Arabic)
Diya Aldin  (Arabic)
Shining Religion
Egberta  (English)
Shining Sword
Egbertina  (English)
Shining Sword
Egbertine  (English)
Shining Sword
Egbertyne  (English)
Shining Sword
Eileen  (Greek)
Variant of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One. Helen of Troy, Whose Elopement With Paris Sparked the Trojan War, Was the Daughter of Zeus and Wife of Menelaus, King of Sparta
Elaina  (French)
Shining Light. Variant of Helen
Elaine  (French)
Shining Light. an Old French Form of Helen
Elaine  (Greek)
Variant of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Elayna  (French)
Shining Light. Variant of Helen
Eleanor  (Greek)
Variant of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Eleanor  (English)
Shining Light. Variant of Helen
Eleanora  (Spanish)
Shining Light, or Bright One. A Variant of the Greek Helen
Electra  (Greek)
The Shining One
Eleena  (Spanish)
Shining Light, or Bright One. A Variant of the Greek Helen
Elena  (Greek)
Variant of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Elena  (Spanish)
Shining Light, or Bright One. A Variant of the Greek Helen
Elena  (Italian)
Shining Light, or Bright One. A Variant of the Greek Helen
Eleni  (Russian)
Shining Light. Variant of Helen
Eleonora  (Italian)
Shining Light. Variant of Helen
Eleonore  (French)
Shining Light. Variant of Helen
Elgar  (Teutonic)
Shining Spear
Elina  (Spanish)
Shining Light, or Bright One. A Variant of the Greek Helen
Elinor  (English)
Shining Light. Variant of Helen
Elinor  (Greek)
Variant of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Ellaine  (French)
Shining Light. Variant of Helen
Ellayne  (French)
Shining Light. Variant of Helen
Ellen  (Greek)
Variant of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Ellen  (English)
A Variant of the Greek Helen, Meaning Shining Light, or Most Beautiful Woman. Famous Bearer: British Actress Dame Ellen Terry
Ellie  (English)
Diminutive of Ellen: a Variant of the Greek Helen, Meaning Shining Light, or Most Beautiful Woman
Ena  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Bright and Shining
Gauri  (Indian)
Halbert  (Teutonic)
Shining Jewel
Haruki  (Japanese)
Shining Brightly
Helen  (Greek)
Shining Light. The Bright One. Helen of Troy, Whose Elopement With Paris Sparked the Trojan War, Was the Daughter of Zeus and Wife of Menelaus, King of Sparta
Helen  (English)
Bright One, Shining One; a Cognate of the Greek Helene, Which is Derived from the Root Elf (Light)
Helen  (Scottish)
Bright One, Shining One. The Name is Also Used to Anglicize Gaelic Eilidh
Helena  (Greek)
Variant of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Helene  (Greek)
Variant of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Hemang  (Indian)
one with shining body
Herhert  (Teutonic)
Shining Fighter
Heribert  (Teutonic)
Shining Fighter
Heriberto  (Teutonic)
Shining Fighter
Heriberto  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Herbert 'shining Warrior'
Hilaeira  (Latin)
Hob  (German)
Diminutive of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Hubert  (German)
Shining of Mind
207 names found for "Shining"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Sen | Abd al Qadir | Banjamen | Thaisa | Yetta | Cristin | Nasreen | Farly | Rumah | Nerth | Carlene | Irene | Aran | Parihan | Vidar |