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Names That Mean Shining

207 names found for "Shining"   (page 3 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Shining? We couldn't find the exact name Shining, but listed below are some first names meaning Shining or names similar to the word Shining.

Similar Names

Sheng | Shing | Shuang |

Related Names

Humbert  (Teutonic)
Shining Support
Ilona  (Greek)
Variant of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Ilona  (Hungarian)
The Hungarian Variant of a Name Helena. Comes from a Greek Word Helios = the Sun, So the Meaning is Shining, Brilliant
Iram  (Hebrew)
Jelena  (Russian)
Shining Light. Variant of Helena
Jelena  (Russian)
Shining Light, Variation of Helen
Jocasta  (Greek)
Shining Moon. Jocasta Was the Mother and Wife of Oedipus; Once Oedipus and Jocasta Learned That Their Marriage Was Incestuous, Oedipus Blinded Himself and Jocasta Committed Suicide
Kashvi  (Hindu)
Laban  (Biblical)
White, Shining, Gentle, Brittle
Lenora  (English)
Shining Light. Variant of Eleanor
Leonore  (French)
Shining Light. Variant of Eleanor
Leonore  (German)
'shining Light.' Variant of Eleanor
Leonore  (French)
Shining Light. Variant of Eleanor
Leontina  (French)
Feminine of Leon. Also Shining Light
Leontyne  (English)
Feminine of Leon. Shining Light. Opera Star Leontyne Price
Leora  (Italian)
Shining Light. Variant of Eleanor
Leyna  (Russian)
Bright and Shining Light
Mannara  (Greek)
Marcus  (Biblical)
Polite; Shining
Marella  (Celtic)
Shining Sea. Variant of Muriel
Marella  (Irish)
Shining Sea. Variant of Muriel
Marilla  (Irish)
Shining Sea. Variant of Muriel
Marilla  (Celtic)
Shining Sea. Variant of Muriel
Mark  (Biblical)
Polite; Shining
Marmee  (Greek)
Meir  (Hebrew)
Enlightens. Shining. Surname
Meriel  (English)
Variant of Muriel, Meaning Shining Sea
Meriel  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Shining Sea
Merril  (English)
Shining Sea
Merrill  (English)
Shining Sea
Meyer  (Hebrew)
Shining. Surname
Ming  (Chinese)
Shining, Bright, Clear
Ming  (Chinese)
Shining, Bright, Clear
Moneer  (Persian)
Variant of Monir: Shining
Moneereh  (Persian)
Variant of Monireh: Shining
Monir  (Persian)
Monireh  (Persian)
Muneer  (Muslim)
Variant of Munir: Brilliant. Shining
Munir  (Muslim)
Brilliant. Shining
Munir  (Islamic)
Luminous, Shining
Muriel  (Celtic)
Shining Sea
Nelida  (Spanish)
Variant of Eleanor: Shining Light
Nell  (Greek)
Diminutive of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Nell  (English)
Diminutive of Ellen or Eleanor: a Variant of the Greek Helen, Meaning Shining Light, or Most Beautiful Woman
Nella  (English)
Abbreviation of Eleanor 'shining Light. '
Nellie  (Greek)
Diminutive of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Nellie  (English)
Diminutive of Ellen or Eleanor: a Variant of the Greek Helen, Meaning Shining Light, or Most Beautiful Woman
Nelly  (Greek)
Diminutive of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Nelly  (English)
Diminutive of Ellen or Eleanor: a Variant of the Greek Helen, Meaning Shining Light, or Most Beautiful Woman
Noori  (Muslim)
Variant of Nuri: Shining
207 names found for "Shining"   (page 3 of 5) 

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Additional Names

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