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Names That Mean Victory

328 names found for "Victory"   (page 5 of 7) 

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Looking for names that mean Victory? We couldn't find the exact name Victory, but listed below are some first names meaning Victory or names similar to the word Victory.

Similar Names

Victor | Victorio | Victoro | Viktor | Victoria | Viktoria |

Related Names

Naasir  (Muslim)
Variant of Nasir: Supporter. Protector. Granting Victory
Naseer  (Muslim)
Variant of Nasir: Supporter. Protector. Granting Victory
Nasir  (Muslim)
Supporter. Protector. Granting Victory
Neacal  (Gaelic)
People's Victory
Neacal  (Gaelic)
People's Victory; a Gaelic Form of Nicholas. (Neekl)
Nicci  (Italian)
Nichol  (French)
Feminine of Nicholas 'People's Victory.'
Nichol  (French)
Feminine of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nichola  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Nicholas: People's Victory. St. Nicholas is the Patron Saint of Children, Sailors, and Pawnbrokers - Santa Claus is Based on This Saint
Nicholas  (Greek)
People's Victory. St. Nicholas is the Patron Saint of Children, Sailors, and Pawnbrokers - Santa Claus is Based on This Saint
Nicholas  (Greek)
Victory of People. (Claus, Cole, Colin, Nicols, Nick, Nicky, Nikita, Nocolai, Noccolo, Nocol, Niel, Nicolas)
Nicholas  (Scottish)
Victory of People. Used from the Old French Nicolas, Which is from the Latin Nicolaus, a Derivative of the Greek Nikolaos, a Compound Name Composed of the Elements Nike (Victory) and Laos (The People)
Nicholaus  (Greek)
People's Victory
Nichole  (French)
Feminine of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nicia  (Italian)
People's Victory
Nick  (English)
Diminutive of Dominick: Lord. Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nick  (Greek)
Diminutive of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nicki  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicole, Meaning Victory
Nickie  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicole, Meaning Victory
Nickson  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nicky  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nicky  (Greek)
Diminutive of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nico  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nicodemus  (Greek)
People's Victory. in the Bible, Nicodemus Assisted Joseph of Arimathea With the Burial of Jesus Christ
Nicodemus  (Biblical)
Victory of the People
Nicol  (Greek)
Variant of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nicola  (Italian)
Victory of the People (Feinine Form of Nicholas)
Nicola  (French)
People's Victory
Nicola  (Italian)
Feminine of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nicola  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nicolai  (Russian)
Russian Form of Nicholas 'Victory of the People'
Nicolai  (Russian)
Victory of the People (Kolya,Kolenka,Nikita)
Nicolas  (Greek)
Variant of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nicolas  (Biblical)
Victory of the People
Nicolaus  (Greek)
People's Victory
Nicole  (Greek)
People's Victory
Nicole  (French)
Victory of the People
Nicole  (French)
Victory of People, Prevailing Among the People (Nichole, Nicholette) (Feminine Form of Nicholas). Origin: Greek
Nicole  (Greek)
People's Victory (Nicolle, Nicolette). Origin: Greek, Freanch
Nicole  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nicolette  (English)
The People's Victory (French Feminine Form of Nicholas). Origin: Greek
Nicolette  (French)
People's Victory
Nicolette  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nicopolis  (Biblical)
The City of Victory
Nicopolis  (Biblical)
The City of Victory
Nik  (English)
Diminutive of Dominick: Lord. Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nik  (Greek)
People's Victory
Nike  (Greek)
Nike  (Greek)
In Greek Mythology Nike Was the Goddess of Victory
Niki  (Greek)
Victory of the People
328 names found for "Victory"   (page 5 of 7) 

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Additional Names

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