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Names That Mean Victory

328 names found for "Victory"   (page 6 of 7) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Looking for names that mean Victory? We couldn't find the exact name Victory, but listed below are some first names meaning Victory or names similar to the word Victory.

Similar Names

Victor | Victorio | Victoro | Viktor | Victoria | Viktoria |

Related Names

Nikita  (Greek)
People's Victory
Nikita  (Russian)
Russian Form of Nicholas 'Victory of the People'
Nikita  (Russian)
From the Mythological Greek Nike - Goddess of Victory
Nikki  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nikki  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicole, Meaning Victory
Nikki  (Greek)
In Greek Mythology Nike Was the Goddess of Victory
Nikkie  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicole, Meaning Victory
Nikko  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nikkol  (American)
Victory of the People
Niklas  (Swedish)
Swedish Form of Nicholas 'Victory of the People'
Niklaus  (Greek)
People's Victory
Niko  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nikodem  (Greek)
People's Victory
Nikolai  (Greek)
People's Victory
Nikolai  (Bulgaria)
Victory of the People
Nikolajis  (Greek)
People's Victory
Nikolaus  (Swedish)
Swedish Form of Nicholas 'Victory of the People'
Nikos  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Niles  (Finnish)
People's Victory
Niles  (Greek)
People's Victory
Nilo  (Greek)
People's Victory
Nilos  (Greek)
People's Victory
Nils  (Greek)
People's Victory
Niocol  (Greek)
People's Victory
Niocole  (Greek)
People's Victory
Nixon  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nusrat  (Muslim)
Victory. Help
Nykko  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Panya  (Latin)
Crowned in Victory
Phenyo  (African)
Satyajit  (Indian)
victory of truth
Senajit  (Indian)
victory over army
Sheng  (Chinese)
Shing  (Chinese)
Sigmund  (German)
Victorious Defender; Victory, Protection. Famous Bearer: Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (, ). Note: This Database is Copyright Dogwood Technical Services Inc
Stefania  (French)
Crowned in Victory
Stefina  (Greek)
Crowned in Victory
Stefinia  (Greek)
Crowned in Victory
Stephana  (Greek)
Crowned in Victory
Stephania  (Greek)
Crowned in Victory
Stephanie  (French)
Crowned in Victory
Stephene  (Greek)
Crowned in Victory
Sujit  (Indian)
Teranika  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Earth's Victory
Thessalonica  (Biblical)
Victory Against the Thessalians
Tienette  (Greek)
Crowned in Victory
Trygve  (Norse)
Brave Victory
Tynet  (Greek)
Crowned in Victory
Vacuna  (Latin)
Vicki  (Latin)
Diminutive of Victoria: Victory; Triumphant. Famous Bearer: Queen Victoria (-)
328 names found for "Victory"   (page 6 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Bakari | Alegria | Christabel | Izsak | Budek | Mac a'bhiadhtaiche | Risa | Viola | Dorian | Deke | Lodmund | Alberic | Jagadamba | Catalin | Bysen |