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Names That Mean Virgin

136 names found for "Virgin"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Virgin? We couldn't find the exact name Virgin, but listed below are some first names meaning Virgin or names similar to the word Virgin.

Similar Names

Virgena | Virgene | Virgina | Virginia |

Related Names

Ginny  (English)
From the Name Virginia
Godalupe  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Godalupe  (Basque)
Reference to the Virgin Mary, Valley of the Wolf
Guadalupe  (Spanish)
Named for the Virgin Mary
Hoor  (Muslim)
Virgin of Paradise. Nymph. (Note: Has Pious Meaning, Not Slovenly.)
Hur  (Muslim)
Variant of Hoor: Virgin of Paradise. Nymph. (Note: Has Pious Meaning, Not Slovenly.)
Idoia  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Idurre  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Iratze  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Izazkun  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Jesusita  (Native American)
Virgin Mary
Jinny  (Latin)
Kanya  (Hindu)
Kanya  (Hindu)
Karida  (Arabic)
Katarina  (Latin)
Pure, Virginal
Kate  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Pure, Virginal
Katelin  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Pure, Virginal
Katen  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Pure, Virginal
Katharine  (Greek)
Pure, Virginal
Katherine  (Greek)
Pure, Virginal
Kathie  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Pure, Virginal
Kathleen  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Pure, Virginal
Kathryn  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Pure, Virginal
Kathy  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Pure, Virginal
Katie  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Pure, Virginal
Katy  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Pure, Virginal
Kayley  (Greek)
Pure, Virginal
Keegsquaw  (Native American)
Virgin (Algonquin)
Landa  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Legarre  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Leira  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Lera  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Lita  (Spanish)
Diminutive of Lolita: Diminutive of Dolores: Sorrow. from Maria De Los Dolores (The Virgin Mary, or Mary of the Sorrows). Famous Bearer: the Terrible Heroine of the Novel, Lolita , by Vladimir Nabokov
Lo  (Spanish)
Diminutive of Lolita: Diminutive of Dolores: Sorrow. from Maria De Los Dolores (The Virgin Mary, or Mary of the Sorrows). Famous Bearer: the Terrible Heroine of the Novel, Lolita , by Vladimir Nabokov
Lola  (Spanish)
Diminutive of Dolores: Sorrow. from Maria De Los Dolores (The Virgin Mary, or Mary of the Sorrows
Lolita  (Spanish)
Diminutive of Dolores: Sorrow. from Maria De Los Dolores (The Virgin Mary, or Mary of the Sorrows). Famous Bearer: the Terrible Heroine of the Novel, Lolita , by Vladimir Nabokov
Loordes  (Basque)
Place in France Where Virgin Mary Reportedly Appeared to a Young Girl and Miracles of Healing Subsequently Took Place
Loordes  (Basque)
Place in France Where Virgin Mary Reportedly Appeared to a Young Girl and Miracles of Healing Subsequently Took Place
Lorda  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Lorda  (Basque)
Shrine of the Virgin Mary
Loretta  (Italian)
Variant of Laura: Laurel or Bay. Also Refers to the Name of the Town Loreto, Where the Holy House of the Virgin Mary Was Reputed to Have Been Moved to During the Th Century
Lourdes  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Lourdes  (French)
Section of France Where Virgin Mary Was Seen
Louredes  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Lucia  (Italian)
Graceful Light. Italian Variant of Lucy. Famous Bearer: St Lucia Was a Virgin Martyr Who Died in the Th Century. Her Name is Invoked Against Eye Disease
Madonna  (Italian)
My Lady. Respectful Form of Address Similar to the French 'Madame.' Used to Signify Virgin Mary or Art Depicting Her As a Mother
Maida  (English)
Maiden; Virgin
Maidie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter. Famous Bearers: the Virgin Mary; Mary Magdalene; Mary, Queen of Scots (-)
Mair  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter. Famous Bearers: the Virgin Mary; Mary Magdalene; Mary, Queen of Scots (-)
136 names found for "Virgin"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Manini | Consuelo | Arragon | Nilothpal | Dorinda | Hadu | Hamoth | Clem | Salma | Balachandra | Norah | Mendeley | Padma | Eliza | Pariket |