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Names That Mean Virgin

136 names found for "Virgin"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Virgin? We couldn't find the exact name Virgin, but listed below are some first names meaning Virgin or names similar to the word Virgin.

Similar Names

Virgena | Virgene | Virgina | Virginia |

Related Names

Adara  (Arabic)
Adara  (Muslim)
Agurtzane  (Basque)
Refers to the Virgin Mary
Ainhoa  (Basque)
Refers to the Virgin Mary
Aitziber  (Basque)
Reference to the Virgin Mary (Ainhoa,Aitziber,Alona)
Aitziber  (Basque)
Refers to the Virgin Mary
Almunda  (Spanish)
Refers to the Virgin Mary
Almundena  (Spanish)
Refers to the Virgin Mary
Almundina  (Spanish)
Refers to the Virgin Mary
Alona  (Basque)
Refers to the Virgin Mary
Aloodra  (Muslim)
Variant of Aludra: Virgin
Aludra  (Muslim)
Anna  (Greek)
A Variant of Hannah. in Virgil's 'Aeneid', Anna Was Sister of Dido, Queen of Carthage. According to an Apocryphal Gospel, Anna Was Also the Mother of the Virgin Mary
Anya  (Greek)
Variant of Anna: a Variant of Hannah. in Virgil's 'Aeneid', Anna Was Sister of Dido, Queen of Carthage. According to an Apocryphal Gospel, Anna Was Also the Mother of the Virgin Mary
Arama  (Spanish)
Of the Virgin Mary
Arama  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Arama  (Basque)
Refers to the Virgin Mary
Arrate  (Basque)
Refers to the Virgin Mary
Artemis  (Greek)
Virgin Goddess of the Moon; Huntress; Goddess of the Hunt. Mythology; the Equivalent of the Roman Diana
Azraa  (Muslim)
Virgin. Virgo
Batool  (Muslim)
Variant of Batul: Ascetic Virgin. Maiden
Batul  (Muslim)
Ascetic Virgin. Maiden
Batul  (Arabic)
Batula  (Arabic)
Beli Mawr  (Welsh)
Legendary Brother in Law of the Virgin Mary
Bernadette  (French)
A Feminine Form of Bernard. St Bernadette Was a French Peasant Girl Whose Th Century Visions of Virgin Mary Prompted the Establishment of the Roman Catholic Shrine at Lourdes. Feminine of Bernard. St.
Betool  (Muslim)
Variant of Batul: Ascetic Virgin. Maiden
Betul  (Muslim)
Variant of Batul: Ascetic Virgin. Maiden
Caitlin  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Virginal Beauty
Camilla  (Italian)
Young, Virginal
Camille  (French)
Virginal, Unblemished Character
Catherine  (Greek)
Pure, Virginal
Datherine  (American)
Beloved Virgin
Dolores  (Spanish)
Sorrow. from Maria De Los Dolores (The Virgin Mary, or Mary of the Sorrows.)
Dorbeta  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Elam  (Biblical)
A Young Man; a Virgin; a Secret
Genesis  (Hebrew)
Origin; Birth. Genisis is the Name of the First Book in the Bible. 'Genisia' - the Virgin Mary of Turin - is a Protectress Invoked Against Drought in Catholic Tradition
Genessa  (Hebrew)
Origin; Birth. Genisis is the Name of the First Book in the Bible. 'Genisia' - the Virgin Mary of Turin - is a Protectress Invoked Against Drought in Catholic Tradition
Genisa  (Hebrew)
Genisia, the Virgin Mary of Turin, is a Protectress Invoked Against Drought in Catholic Tradition
Genisia  (Hebrew)
Genisia, the Virgin Mary of Turin, is a Protectress Invoked Against Drought in Catholic Tradition
Genisis  (Hebrew)
Origin; Birth. Genisis is the Name of the First Book in the Bible. 'Genisia' - the Virgin Mary of Turin - is a Protectress Invoked Against Drought in Catholic Tradition
Gina  (English)
A Diminutive of Georgina, Virgina, Eugina, Regina, and Other Names Ending in -gina. Often Used As an Independent Name. Famous Bearer: Twentieth Century Italian Actress Gina Lollobrigida
Ginger  (English)
A Diminutive of Virginia, Meaning Pure, Chaste, Virginal. A Common Nickname for People With Red Hair. Also Means Pep or Liveliness, Refering to the Pungent Ginger Root. Famous Bearer: American Dancer-
Ginger  (Latin)
From the Ginger Flower. Also Can Be a Diminutive of Virginia: of the Virgin
Ginger  (Latin)
Purity(Virginia, Ginny)
Ginna  (English)
Abbreviation of Virginia
Ginnette  (English)
Abbreviation of Virginia
Ginnie  (English)
Abbreviation of Virginia
Ginny  (English)
A Diminutive of Virginia, Meaning Pure, Chaste, Virginal
Ginny  (Latin)
From the Ginger Flower. Also Can Be a Diminutive of Virginia: of the Virgin
136 names found for "Virgin"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Additional Names

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