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Names That Mean Water

258 names found for "Water"   (page 4 of 6) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Looking for names that mean Water? We couldn't find the exact name Water, but listed below are some first names meaning Water or names similar to the word Water.

Similar Names

Witter | Wouter |

Related Names

Misrephoth-maim  (Biblical)
Hot Waters
Misu  (American)
Rippling Water
Misu  (Native American)
Ripples in the Water
Moana  (Maori)
Large Body of Water. Lake
Moanna  (Polynesian)
Wide Waters
Moesen  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Moses 'From the Water'
Moesha  (African American)
Drawn Out of the Water
Moeshe  (Hebrew)
Drawn Out of the Water
Moises  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Moses 'From the Water'
Mortimer  (Latin)
Dwells by the Still Water
Mortimer  (French)
Still Water
Moselle  (Hebrew)
From the Water
Moses  (Greek)
Drawn Out of the Water
Moses  (Hebrew)
Saved from the Water
Moshe  (Hebrew)
Form of Moses 'saved from the Water.'
Moshe  (Biblical)
Pulled from the Water (English: Moses)
Mosheh  (Hebrew)
Saved from the Water
Moss  (All Nationalities)
From the Water
Moss  (English)
Medieval Form of Moses 'saved from the Water.'
Mousa  (Islamic)
Drawn Out of the Water (Arabic Form of Moses)
Mozelle  (Hebrew)
Taken from the Water (Moselle)
Mozes  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Moses 'From the Water'
Musa  (Egyptian)
Of the Water
Nadha  (Islamic)
A Drop of Water on a Flower/An Early Morning Moisture
Nahlah  (Muslim)
A Drink of Water
Naida  (Latin)
Water Girl
Naida  (Arabic)
Water Nymph
Naiya  (Greek)
Water Nymph
Nalin  (Indian)
lotus, water
Narayan  (Hindu)
Moving Water
Neelofar  (Muslim)
Variant of Nilofar: Lotus. Water Lily
Nen  (Arabic)
Ancient Waters
Neptune  (Latin)
God of Water
Nilofar  (Muslim)
Lotus. Water Lily
Ninad  (Indian)
sound, gentle sound of water
Nirad  (Indian)
given by water
Nirjhar  (Hindu)
Nirveli  (Indian)
From the Water
Nixie  (German)
Water Sprite
Nixie  (German)
Little Water Sprite
Oceana  (Greek)
Form of Oceanus. in Greek Mythology Oceanus Was a Titan Father of Rivers and Water Nymphs
Odahingum  (Native American)
Rippling Water (Chippewa)
Odahingum  (Native American)
Ripple on the Water
Ooschie  (German)
A Running Water Fall
Pachu'a  (Native American)
Feathered Water Snake (Hopi)
Palestina  (Biblical)
Which is Covered, Watered, or Brings and Causes Ruin
Palestina  (Biblical)
Which is Covered, Watered, or Brings and Causes Ruin
Pamuy  (Native American)
Water Moon (Hopi)
Pavati  (Native American)
Clear Water (Hopi)
Qing  (Chinese)
Yuan Deep Water, Clear Spring
258 names found for "Water"   (page 4 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Kohana | Fathi | Haris | Zaida | Huppim | Dori | Shields | Puja | Chananiah | Winn | Magnus | Summer | Minna | Doretta | Elemer |