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Names That Mean Water

258 names found for "Water"   (page 1 of 6) 

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Looking for names that mean Water? We couldn't find the exact name Water, but listed below are some first names meaning Water or names similar to the word Water.

Similar Names

Witter | Wouter |

Related Names

Abel-maim  (Biblical)
Mourning of Waters
Abel-maim  (Biblical)
Mourning of Waters
Abhishek  (Indian)
shower of milk/water over an idol
Abhishek  (Indian)
shower of milk/water over an idol
Acchoda  (Hindu)
Limpid Water
Adaliah  (Biblical)
One That Draws Water, Poverty, Cloud, Death
Adaliah  (Biblical)
One That Draws Water, Poverty, Cloud, Death
Ahumai  (Biblical)
A Meadow of Waters; a Brother of Waters
Airavata  (Indian)
Child of Water
Amadahy  (Native American)
Forest Water (Cherokee)
Amadahy  (Native American)
Forest Water
Ambu  (Indian)
Ambu  (Hindu)
Water. Origin: Sanskrit
Anahita  (Indian)
Goddess of the Waters
Apsaras  (Indian)
From the Water's Stream
Aqua  (Greek)
Of the Water
Aquarius  (Latin)
Tthe Water Bearer
Assan  (Irish)
Assana  (Irish)
Assane  (Irish)
Attewater  (English)
From the Waterside
Atwater  (English)
From the Waterside
Bainbridge  (English)
Lives Near the Bridge Over the White Water
Bainbrydge  (English)
Lives Near the Bridge Over the White Water
Banbrigge  (English)
Lives Near the Bridge Over the White Water
Bartholomew  (Biblical)
A Son That Suspends the Waters
Brook  (English)
Water; Stream
Brooke  (English)
Water; Stream. Actress Brooke Shields
Brooklyn  (English)
Water; Stream
Brooklynn  (English)
Water; Stream
Brooklynne  (English)
Water; Stream
Brooks  (English)
Running Water
Caersewiella  (English)
Lives at the Watercress Spring
Cain  (Welsh)
Clear Water
Calder  (Scottish)
Rough Waters
Callan  (Scandinavian)
Flowing Water
Cari  (Turkish)
Flows Like Water
Cari  (Turkish)
Flowing Like Water (Carrie)
Carmi  (Biblical)
My Vineyard, Lamb of the Waters
Carmi  (Biblical)
My Vineyard, Lamb of the Waters
Carswell  (English)
Lives at the Watercress Spring
Cartagh  (Irish)
Variant of Carthach: Loving. A Variant of Caradoc. The Irish St. Carthach, Also Known As St Carthage, Founded an Early Th Century Monastery at Lismore, County Waterford
Carthach  (Irish)
Loving. A Variant of Caradoc. The Irish St. Carthach, Also Known As St Carthage, Founded an Early Th Century Monastery at Lismore, County Waterford
Carthage  (English)
The Anglicized Form of the Irish Carthach, Which is a Variant of Caradoc. The Irish St. Carthach, Also Known As St Carthage, Founded an Early Th Century Monastery at Lismore, County Waterford
Cascata  (Italian)
Chailyn  (American)
Life, Waterfall
Chowilawu  (Native American)
Joined Together by Water (Hopi)
Clyte  (Greek)
A Water Nymph
Clytie  (Greek)
Mythological Water Nymph Who Loved the Sun God Helios. She Was Changed into a Sunflower and Now Always Turns Her Face Toward the Sun
Coventina  (Celtic)
Water Goddess
258 names found for "Water"   (page 1 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Aman | Fraser | Reynald | Malcolm | Haldis | Audrey | Jaine | Perdita | Egidiusz | Blaise | Ryn | Porteur | Freda | Curr | Papandrou |