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Names That Mean White

444 names found for "White"   (page 3 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean White? We couldn't find the exact name White, but listed below are some first names meaning White or names similar to the word White.

Similar Names

Wait | Waite | Wayte | Wit | Witt |

Related Names

Candi  (Spanish)
Variant of Candida. Bright; Glowing White
Candice  (Greek)
Fire White
Candida  (Spanish)
Pure or White
Candida  (Latin)
Dazzling White. Bright, Glowing White. Derived from the Feminine of the Latin Adjective Meaning White. Famous Bearer: George Bernard Shaw's Play 'Candida'
Candide  (Latin)
Dazzling White
Candide  (French)
Bright; Glowing White. Also Sweet
Candie  (Spanish)
Variant of Candida. Bright; Glowing White
Candy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Candida: Dazzling White. Bright, Glowing White. Derived from the Feminine of the Latin Adjective Meaning White. Famous Bearer: George Bernard Shaw's Play 'Candida'
Cant  (Welsh)
Carwyn  (Welsh)
Variant of Caerwyn: White Fortress
Ceridwen  (Welsh)
From 'Cerdd' Meaning Poetry and 'Gwen' Meaning Fair or White. Famous Bearer: Ceridwen, the Welsh Goddess of Poetic Inspiration
Chenoa  (Native American)
White Dove
Chochuschuvio  (Native American)
White Tailed Deer (Hopi)
Cilla  (English)
A Diminutive of Priscilla Made Famous by S British Singer Cilia Black, Who Was Born Priscilla White
Dewitt  (Dutch)
Dhaval  (Hindu)
Dhavlen  (Hindu)
Variant of Dhaval: White
Dhavlesh  (Hindu)
Variant of Dhaval: White
Dwight  (Teutonic)
Dwight  (English)
White, Fair One
Dwight  (Teutonic)
White, Fair
Earwin  (Welsh)
White River
Earwine  (Welsh)
White River
Eilwen  (Welsh)
Variant of Eilwyn: White-browed
Eilwyn  (Welsh)
Elgin  (English)
Noble; White
Elgin  (Celtic)
'Noble; White.'
Elgine  (English)
Noble; White
Elgine  (Celtic)
'Noble; White.'
Eljin  (English)
Noble; White
Eljin  (Celtic)
'Noble; White.'
Elvera  (Latin)
Elvira  (Latin)
Elvira  (Spanish)
Truth. White or Beautiful. Famous Bearers: the Heroine of Noel Coward's Play 'Blithe Spirit'; a Character in the Legend of Don Juan
Elwira  (Polish)
Polish Form of Elvira: White
Erwin  (Welsh)
White River
Erwyn  (Welsh)
White River
Fenella  (Irish)
White Shouldered
Fenella  (Gaelic)
White Shoulder. from 'Fionnghuala' or 'Fionnuala'
Fenella  (Celtic)
Of the White Shoulders
Fennella  (Celtic/Gaelic)
White Shoulder
Finella  (English)
White Shoulders; an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Fionnaghuala. Variations: Fenella, Finola, Fionola. (Fin-nel-lah)
Finella  (Irish)
White Shouldered
Fingall  (English)
Fair-haired Stranger; an Anglicized Form of Gaelic Fionnghall, a Compound Name Composed of the Gaelic Elements Fionn (White, Fair) and Gal (A Stranger). Variations: Fingal. (Fingl)
Finlay  (English)
Fair-haired Warrior;An Anglicized Form of Fionnlagh and Fionnia, Compound Names Composed of the Gaelic Elements Fionn (White, Fair) and Laogh (Warrior, Calf). Variations: Finley. (Fin-lay)
Finola  (Gaelic)
Variant of Fenella: White Shoulder. from 'Fionnghuala' or 'Fionnuala'
Finola  (Celtic/Gaelic)
White Haired
Fiona  (Celtic/Gaelic)
White, Fair
Fiona  (Gaelic)
White or Fair. Reportedly First Used As a Name by Scottish Author William Sharp, Who Used the Pseudonym Fiona Macleod
Fiona  (Celtic)
White or Comely
444 names found for "White"   (page 3 of 9) 

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Additional Names

Ettore | Rorey | Jamar | Hanameel | Constantine | Absalom | Tartan | Wilva | Ten Eyck | Aethelfrith | Cayle | Senen | Demitras | Fan | Griselde |