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Names That Mean White

444 names found for "White"   (page 5 of 9) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

Looking for names that mean White? We couldn't find the exact name White, but listed below are some first names meaning White or names similar to the word White.

Similar Names

Wait | Waite | Wayte | Wit | Witt |

Related Names

Guinevere  (Welsh)
White Wave
Guinevere  (Celtic)
White Lady
Guinivere  (Celtic/Gaelic)
White Wave
Gunn  (Scottish)
Gunna  (Scottish)
Gwayne  (Welsh)
White Hawk. Variant of the Medieval Name Gawain
Gwen  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Gwendoline: Fair. Blessed. White Browed. White Circle
Gwenda  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Gwendoline: Fair. Blessed. White Browed. White Circle
Gwendelyn  (Welsh)
Fair. Blessed. White Browed. White Circle
Gwendolen  (Celtic)
White Browed, Mystical, Solitary, Idealistic
Gwendolen  (Celtic)
Of the White Brow
Gwendolen  (Welsh)
Fair. Blessed. White Browed. White Circle
Gwendolin  (Celtic)
Of the White Brow
Gwendoline  (Welsh)
Fair. Blessed. White Browed. White Circle
Gwendolyn  (Welsh)
Fair. Blessed. White Browed. White Circle
Gwenhwyvar  (Welsh)
Gwenifer  (Welsh)
White Wave
Gwenllian  (Welsh)
Gwenn  (Celtic)
Of the White Brow
Gwenyver  (Celtic)
White Lady
Gwyn  (Welsh)
White or Handsome
Gwyn  (Welsh)
White, Fair
Gwyn  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Gwyneth: White. Fair. Happiness. Blessed
Gwyndolen  (Welsh)
White Browed
Gwyndolin  (Celtic)
Of the White Brow
Gwynedd  (Welsh)
White, Happiness, Blessed. Also a North Wales County Name
Gwyneth  (Welsh)
White. Fair. Happiness. Blessed
Gwynn  (Celtic)
Of the White Brow
Gwynne  (Welsh)
Gwynneth  (Welsh)
White. Fair. Happiness. Blessed
Hauran  (Biblical)
A Hole, Liberty, Whiteness
Hauran  (Biblical)
A Hole, Liberty, Whiteness
Hotah  (Native American)
White (Sioux)
Hotah  (Native American)
Huhuseca-ska  (Native American)
Hur  (Biblical)
Liberty, Whiteness, Hole
Huram  (Biblical)
Being Angry. Their Liberty, Their Whiteness, Their Hole
Huri  (Biblical)
Being Angry. Their Liberty, Their Whiteness, Their Hole
Hwitby  (English)
From the White Farmstead
Hwitcomb  (English)
From the White Hollow
Hwitcumb  (English)
From the White Hollow
Hwitford  (English)
From the White Ford
Hwithloew  (English)
From the White Hill
Hwitloc  (English)
From the White Fortress
Irven  (Celtic)
Irvin  (Celtic)
Irving  (Celtic)
Irvyn  (Celtic)
Ivory  (Latin)
White As Elephant Tusks
Ivory  (Latin)
Creamy White
444 names found for "White"   (page 5 of 9) 

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Additional Names

Roana | Gederoth | Balasi | Muayid | Abd al Qadir | Sorcha | Joanna | Aleshanee | Linton | Arin | Kione | Zephath | Alea | Chaitaly | Hosah |