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Names That Mean Wolf |
252 names found for "Wolf" (page 2 of 6) |
Looking for names that mean Wolf? We couldn't find the exact name Wolf, but listed below are some first names meaning Wolf or names similar to the word Wolf.
Similar Names
Related Names
Derived from the Old German Word for Wolf. Boston Was Named After a Saint, As Botulf's Stone
Derived from the Old German Word for Wolf. Boston Was Named After a Saint, As Botulf's Stone
Derived from the Old German Word for Wolf. Boston Was Named After a Saint, As 'Botulf's Stone'
Derived from the Old German Word for Wolf. Boston Was Named After a Saint, As 'Botulf's Stone'
Derived from the Old German Word for Wolf. Boston Was Named After a Saint, As 'Botulf's Stone'
Derived from the Old German Word for Wolf. Boston Was Named After a Saint, As 'Botulf's Stone'
Strength, Wisdom;A Popular Name Derived from the Celtic Element Conn (Strength; Wisdom; High) or from Con (Wolf, Dog). Variations: Connell, Connell, Connull
Strength, Wisdom;A Popular Name Derived from the Celtic Element Conn (Strength; Wisdom; High) or from Con (Wolf, Dog). Variations: Connell, Connell, Connull