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Names That Mean Wolf

252 names found for "Wolf"   (page 2 of 6) 

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Looking for names that mean Wolf? We couldn't find the exact name Wolf, but listed below are some first names meaning Wolf or names similar to the word Wolf.

Similar Names

Wilf | Wolfe | Wulf |

Related Names

Bleidd  (Welsh)
Bodolf  (Norse)
Wolf Leader
Botewolf  (English)
Herald Wolf
Botolf  (German)
Derived from the Old German Word for Wolf. Boston Was Named After a Saint, As Botulf's Stone
Botolf  (English)
Botolph  (German)
Derived from the Old German Word for Wolf. Boston Was Named After a Saint, As 'Botulf's Stone'
Botolph  (English)
Variant of Botolf: Wolf
Botulf  (German)
Derived from the Old German Word for Wolf. Boston Was Named After a Saint, As 'Botulf's Stone'
Botulf  (English)
Variant of Botolf: Wolf
Botwolf  (English)
Herald Wolf
Chann  (English)
Young Wolf
Chann  (Irish)
Young Wolf
Channe  (English)
Young Wolf
Channe  (Irish)
Young Wolf
Channing  (English)
Church Official; Wise; Young Wolf
Channing  (Irish)
Young Wolf
Channon  (English)
Young Wolf
Channon  (Irish)
Young Wolf
Conall  (Scottish)
Strength, Wisdom;A Popular Name Derived from the Celtic Element Conn (Strength; Wisdom; High) or from Con (Wolf, Dog). Variations: Connell, Connell, Connull
Dolph  (Swedish)
Noble Wolf
Dolph  (Teutonic)
Dolphus  (German)
Abbreviation of Adolphus Noble Wolf
Eyolf  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Eyulf: Lucky Wolf
Eyulf  (Scandinavian)
Lucky Wolf
Faoiltiama  (Irish)
Wolf Lady
Faolan  (Gaelic)
Little Wolf
Faolan  (Irish)
Small Wolf
Faolan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Felan  (Irish)
Variant of Faolan: Small Wolf
Fenris  (Norse)
A Mythical Monster Wolf
Freki  (Norse)
Odin's Wolf
Fridolf  (English)
Peaceful Wolf
Fridolph  (English)
Peaceful Wolf
Friduwulf  (English)
Peaceful Wolf
Fridwolf  (English)
Peaceful Wolf
Geirolf  (Norse)
Wolf Spear
Godalupe  (Basque)
Reference to the Virgin Mary, Valley of the Wolf
Guadalupe  (Arabic)
Wolf Valley. Biblical Mary is Mexico's Lady of Guadalupe
Guadalupe  (Arabic)
Wolf Valley. Biblical Mary is Mexico's Lady of Guadalupe
Gunnolf  (Norse)
Fighting Wolf
Hache-hi  (Native American)
Hazar-shual  (Biblical)
Wolf's House
Hazar-shual  (Biblical)
Wolf's House
Hohnihohkaiyohos  (Native American)
High Backed Wolf (Cheyenne)
Honiahaka  (Native American)
Little Wolf (Cheyenne)
Hrolf  (Norse)
Hrolleif  (Norse)
Old Wolf
Ingolf  (Norse)
Ing's Wolf
Kuckunniwi  (Native American)
Little Wolf (Cheyenne)
Larentia  (Latin)
The Shewolf Who Nursed Remus and Romulus
252 names found for "Wolf"   (page 2 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Caraf | Abdul Wahab | Clare | Jirina | Livvy | Ladon | Charleson | Aigneis | Nowles | Suzanne | Edensaw | Annabel | Piperel | Haya | Wolfrik |