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Names That Mean Wolf

252 names found for "Wolf"   (page 4 of 6) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Looking for names that mean Wolf? We couldn't find the exact name Wolf, but listed below are some first names meaning Wolf or names similar to the word Wolf.

Similar Names

Wilf | Wolfe | Wulf |

Related Names

Randon  (English)
Variants of Randolph 'Wolf's Shield.' Surname
Randy  (English)
Diminutive of Randolph. 'House Wolf; Protector.' Mythological Wolf Was Esteemed for Courage
Ranolf  (Teutonic)
Wolf's Shield. from the Emblem Painted on a War Shield
Ranulf  (Scottish)
Scottish Form of Randolf (Shield Wolf). The Name, Introduced by the Scandinavians, is Derived from the Old Norse Randulfr, a Compound Name Composed from the Elements Rand, Rond (The Edge or Rim of a S
Ranulfo  (Teutonic)
Wolf's Shield. from the Emblem Painted on a War Shield
Raoul  (French)
Form of Ralph Wolf Counsel
Raoul  (English)
Variant of Ralph: Wolf Counsel; Red Wolf
Raul  (Spanish)
Form of Ralph 'Wolf Counsel.'
Raul  (Spanish)
Wolf Counselor
Rendall  (English)
Variants of Randolph 'Wolf's Shield.' Surname
Rendell  (English)
Variants of Randolph 'Wolf's Shield.' Surname
Reule  (French)
Famous Wolf
Rezso  (Teutonic)
Famous Wolf
Rodolf  (German)
Variant of Rudolph: Famed Wolf
Rodolfo  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Rudolph 'Famous Wolf'
Rodolph  (Teutonic)
Wolf of Fame, Another Form is Rudolph, Insincere, Worldly, Spoilt, Extravagant
Rolf  (German)
Famed Wolf; Wolf Counsel
Rolf  (Teutonic)
Famous Wolf
Rolf  (English)
Red Wolf
Rolf  (Norman)
Wolf (Rolfe)
Rolf  (Norse)
Rolf  (Scandinavian)
Rolf  (Swedish)
Rolfe  (Teutonic)
Famous Wolf
Rolfe  (English)
Red Wolf
Rollin  (Teutonic)
Famous Wolf
Rollin  (English)
Rollins  (Teutonic)
Famous Wolf
Rollo  (Teutonic)
Famous Wolf
Rollo  (German)
Variant of Rolf: Famed Wolf; Wolf Counsel. Also a Diminutive of Roland: Renowned in the Land
Rolph  (Teutonic)
Famous Wolf
Rolph  (German)
Variant of Rolf: Famed Wolf; Wolf Counsel
Rolphe  (Teutonic)
Famous Wolf
Rudi  (German)
Abbreviation of Rudolph: Famed Wolf
Rudolf  (Teutonic)
Famous Wolf
Rudolf  (German)
Variant of Rudolph: Famed Wolf
Rudolph  (German)
Famed Wolf
Rudolph  (German)
Famous Wolf
Rudolph  (Teutonic)
Famous Wolf
Rudolph  (German)
Wolf (Rudolf)
Rudy  (German)
Abbreviation of Rudolph: Famed Wolf
Ruelle  (French)
Famous Wolf
Rule  (French)
Famous Wolf
Shoemowetochawcawe  (Native American)
High Backed Wolf (Cheyenne)
Sirhaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Sirhan: Wolf
Sirhan  (Muslim)
Tala  (Native American)
Thorolf  (Norse)
Thor's Wolf
Udolf  (English)
Wealthy Wolf
Udolph  (English)
Wealthy Wolf
252 names found for "Wolf"   (page 4 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Ligarius | Aeetes | Rufa | Troi | Ibrahim | Renwick | Leonides | Boston | Gezana | Benito | Amedee | Magne | Hoshaiah | Adalene | Sumitra |