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German Baby Names, Meanings

1722 names found for "German"   (page 4 of 35) 

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Alyson  (German)
Of Noble Birth, Kind
Amalasand  (German)
Amalasanda  (German)
Amald  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amalda  (German)
Eagle or Strong
Amalia  (German)
Variant of Amelia: from the Old German Amalburga, Meaning Labour and the Latin Aemilia
Amalie  (German)
From Amelia, a Derivative the Old German Amalburga Meaning Labor
Amall  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amalle  (German)
Variant of Amelia: from the Old German Amalburga, Meaning Labour and the Latin Aemilia
Amara  (German)
Amaud  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amd  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amdt  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Ame  (German)
Amelia  (German)
Variant of Amelia: from the Old German Amalburga, Meaning Labour and the Latin Aemilia
Amell  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amery  (German)
Amet  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amett  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amey  (German)
Amhold  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Ami  (German)
Amo  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amold  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amoll  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amory  (German)
Leader; Divine; Brave; Powerful
Amot  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amott  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amwolf  (German)
Eagle Wolf
Analiese  (German)
From Anna and Lisa
Analise  (German)
From Analiese
Andreas  (German)
German Form of Andrew
Angelika  (German)
'Like an Angel
Anisia  (German)
Someone Who Keeps Their Word and Finishes Tasks
Ann  (German)
Name of a King
Annalisa  (German)
Variant of Anneliese: Derived from a Compound of Anna (Grace) and Liesa, Which is a German Diminutive of Elizabeth (God is Bountiful)
Annalise  (German)
Gracious, Consecreted to God
Annamaria  (German)
Bitter Grace
Anneliese  (German)
Derived from a Compound of Anna (Grace) and Liesa, Which is a German Diminutive of Elizabeth (God is Bountiful)
Annelise  (German)
Gracious, Consecreted to God
Annemarie  (German)
Bitter Grace
Anni  (German)
Variant of Hebrew Hannah Meaning Favor. Grace
Annina  (German)
Feminine Form of Herman: Soldier. Army Man. from the Old German Hariman
Annora  (German)
With Honor
Anseim  (German)
From the Old German Ansehelm, Meaning God-helmet
Ansel  (German)
God's Protection
Ansell  (German)
God's Protection
Anselmo  (German)
God's Protection
Anson  (German)
Son of Ann
Anton  (German)
German Form of Anthony
1722 names found for "German"   (page 4 of 35) 

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