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German Baby Names, Meanings

1722 names found for "German"   (page 9 of 35) 

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Burgess  (German)
Town Citizen
Burgh  (German)
Variant of Berg: Mountain
Burhardt  (German)
Strong As a Castle
Burkhart  (German)
Strong As a Castle
Burlin  (German)
Son of Berl. See Also Burl
Burnard  (German)
Variant of Bernard: Brave As a Bear
Burnell  (German)
Variant of Bernard: Strong As a Bear
Carl  (German)
Strong One
Carla  (German)
Feminine Form of Carl: Variant of the Germanic Form of Charles, Meaning: a Man
Carleen  (German)
Feminine Form of Carl: Variant of the Germanic Form of Charles, Meaning: a Man
Carlene  (German)
Feminine Form of Carl: Variant of the Germanic Form of Charles, Meaning: a Man
Carlin  (German)
A Man
Carly  (German)
Feminine Form of Carl: Variant of the Germanic Form of Charles, Meaning: a Man
Carolyn  (German)
From the Name Carol and Linda
Caspar  (German)
Casper  (German)
Charles  (German)
From the Old German Carl, Meaning a Man. Famous Bearer: British Charles Prince of Wales
Charlie  (German)
Nickname for Charles,Charlotte
Cheryl  (German)
Feminine Form of Charles
Chlodwig  (German)
Famous Warrior
Chriselda  (German)
Christel  (German)
German 'Pet' Name for Kristina, from Latin Christianao = Christian Woman, a Decent Woman
Christofer  (German)
With Christ Inside
Christoffer  (German)
With Christ Inside
Clarimond  (German)
Brilliant Protectress
Clarimonda  (German)
Brilliant Protectress
Clarimonde  (German)
Brilliant Protector
Claudelle  (German)
Feminine of Claude
Claudette  (German)
Feminine of Claude
Claudia  (German)
Feminine of Claude
Claudine  (German)
Feminine of Claude
Clementina  (German)
Feminine Form of the Latin Clement
Clementine  (German)
Feminine Form of the Latin Clement. Famous Bearers of the Name Clementine: the Heroine of the Well-known Folk Song 'Clementine' and the Sir Winston Churchill's Wife
Clotilda  (German)
Heroine. Famous Battle. Derived from the Old German 'Hloda' Meaning Loud or Famous, and 'Hildi' Meaning Battle. Famous Bearer: Th Century Saint Clotilda Was Married to King Clovis, and Played a Major
Clotilde  (German)
Clove  (German)
A Nail, Spice
Clovis  (German)
Famous Soldier
Coen  (German)
Conn  (German)
Diminutive of Conrad: Brave Adviser
Connie  (German)
Diminutive of Conrad: Brave Adviser
Conny  (German)
Diminutive of Conrad: Brave Adviser
Conrad  (German)
Bold, Wise Counselor
Conrade  (German)
Variant of Conrad: Brave Adviser
Conradin  (German)
Honest Advisor
Conradina  (German)
Conradine  (German)
Conrado  (German)
Variant of Conrad: Brave Adviser; Honest Advisor
Cord  (German)
Honest Advisor
Corrado  (German)
Cort  (German)
Courageous; Honest Advisor
1722 names found for "German"   (page 9 of 35) 

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