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Greek Baby Names, Meanings

2936 names found for "Greek"   (page 29 of 59) 

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Hester  (Greek)
Evening Star
Hestia  (Greek)
Goddess of Hearth and Home
Hiero  (Greek)
Hieronymus  (Greek)
Variant of Jerome: Holy Name
Hilaeira  (Greek)
Girl Carried Off by Pollux and Castor
Hilario  (Greek)
Joyful; Glad
Hilary  (Greek)
Hillary  (Greek)
Hipolit  (Greek)
Freer of Horses
Hippocampus  (Greek)
A Horse of Poseidon
Hippodamia  (Greek)
Wife of Pirithous
Hippogriff  (Greek)
Part Horse Part Griffen
Hippolyta  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Hippolytus: Horse Let Loose. Queen of the Amazons. A Character in Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'
Hippolyte  (Greek)
Queen of the Amazons
Hippolytus  (Greek)
Horse Let Loose. in Greek Legend, the Son of Theseus and Hippolyta, Who Was Dragged to His Death by Stampeding Horses
Hippolytusr  (Greek)
Freer of Horses
Hippomenes  (Greek)
Winner of Atalanta
Homar  (Greek)
Given As Hostage; Promised. Homer Was Credited With Writing the Epic Greek Poems the Iliad and the Odyssey
Homer  (Greek)
Homeros  (Greek)
Homerus  (Greek)
Horae  (Greek)
Goddess of the Season
Hosanna  (Greek)
Hy  (Greek)
Diminutive of Hyacinth: from the Flower by the Same Name. in Greek Legend, the Hyacinth Sprouted from the Blood of the Youth Hyacinthus, Who Was Accidentally Killed by Apollo
Hyacinth  (Greek)
From the Flower by the Same Name. in Greek Legend, the Hyacinth Sprouted from the Blood of the Youth Hyacinthus, Who Was Accidentally Killed by Apollo
Hyacinth  (Greek)
Hyacintha  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Hyacinth: from the Flower by the Same Name. in Greek Legend, the Hyacinth Sprouted from the Blood of the Youth Hyacinthus, Who Was Accidentally Killed by Apollo
Hyacinthe  (Greek)
Hyacinthusr  (Greek)
Hyades  (Greek)
Name for the Nymphs
Hyancinthe  (Greek)
Hydra  (Greek)
A Dragon Killed by Hercules
Hygeia  (Greek)
Goddess of Health
Hygieia  (Greek)
Goddess of Health
Hylas  (Greek)
Son of Theiodamas
Hymen  (Greek)
God of Marriage
Hypate  (Greek)
Hypatia  (Greek)
Highest. Exceptional
Hyperion  (Greek)
A Titan
Hypermnestra  (Greek)
Refused to Kill Her Husband on Their Wedding Night
Hypnos  (Greek)
God of Sleep
Hypsipyle  (Greek)
Daughter of Thoas
Iantha  (Greek)
Ianthe  (Greek)
Variant of Iolanthe: Violet Flower
Ianthina  (Greek)
Iapetus  (Greek)
A Titan
Iasion  (Greek)
Father of Plutus
Iasius  (Greek)
Mother of Atalanta
Iason  (Greek)
Ibycus  (Greek)
A Bard
2936 names found for "Greek"   (page 29 of 59) 

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