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Greek Baby Names, Meanings

2936 names found for "Greek"   (page 1 of 59) 

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Abdera  (Greek)
From Abdera
Abderus  (Greek)
A Friend of Hercules
Abellone  (Greek)
Absyrtus  (Greek)
Brother of Medea
Abydos  (Greek)
From Abydos
Acacia  (Greek)
Guileless. Honorable. Biblical; Acacia Wood Was Used to Build the Wilderness Tabernacle
Acantha  (Greek)
Sharp Pointed or Thorned
Acastus  (Greek)
An Argonaut
Accalia  (Greek)
Mythical Greek Name
Acestes  (Greek)
A Trojan King from Greek Mythology
Achates  (Greek)
Figure in Ancient Greek Mythology Who Was the Companion of Aeneas
Achelous  (Greek)
A River God
Acheron  (Greek)
River of Sorrow/Woe
AchiIles  (Greek)
Achilles  (Greek)
Taciturn, Sympathetic
Achillios  (Greek)
Name of a River
Acis  (Greek)
Lover of Galatea
Acnes  (Greek)
Acrisius  (Greek)
Grandfather of Perseus
Actaeon  (Greek)
In Ancient Greek Mythology Actaeon Was a Hunter Dismembered by His Own Dogs
Acteon  (Greek)
A Hunter Dismembered by His Own Dogs
Adad  (Greek)
Storm and Flood God
Adapa  (Greek)
Figure in Ancient Greek Mythology
Adara  (Greek)
Adelpha  (Greek)
Dear Sister
Adelphe  (Greek)
Dear Sister
Adelphie  (Greek)
Dear Sister
Admeta  (Greek)
From a Tale of Hercules
Admetus  (Greek)
A King of Pherae
Adonia  (Greek)
Beautiful Young Man Loved by Aphrodite in Mythology
Adonia  (Greek)
Feminine of Adonis. Beautiful Lady
Adonis  (Greek)
Adras  (Greek)
Adrastus  (Greek)
One of the Attackers in 'The Seven Against Thebes'
Aeacus  (Greek)
Son of Zeus; Grandfather of Achilles
Aedon  (Greek)
Daughter of Pandareos
Aeetes  (Greek)
Medea's Father
Aegeus  (Greek)
Zeus' Shield, Which Was Made of Goatskin. Also the Name of the Second Husband of Medea
Aegis  (Greek)
Variant of Aegeus: Zeus' Shield, Which Was Made of Goatskin. Also the Name of the Second Husband of Medea
Aegisthus  (Greek)
Cousin of Agamemnon
Aegyptus  (Greek)
King of Egypt; Father of the Danaides
Aello  (Greek)
A Harpy
Aeneas  (Greek)
Praiseworthy. Aeneas Was the Trojan Hero of Virgil's Aeneid, This Name His Been Occasionally Used Since the Renaissance
Aeolus  (Greek)
Changeable; God of the Winds
Aesculapius  (Greek)
God of Medicine
Aeson  (Greek)
Father of Jason in Ancient Greek Mythology
Aethra  (Greek)
Mother of Theseus
Aetios  (Greek)
Aetna  (Greek)
From Aetna
Agacia  (Greek)
Variant of Agatha: Good. St. Agatha Was a 3rd Century Christian Martyr. Agatha Was Popular During the Middle Ages. Famous Bearer: TwentieBritish Mystery Writer Agatha Christie
2936 names found for "Greek"   (page 1 of 59) 

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