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Native American Baby Names, Meanings

837 names found for "Native American"   (page 13 of 17) 

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Pay  (Native American)
He is Coming
Payat  (Native American)
He is Coming
Payatt  (Native American)
He is Coming
Paytah  (Native American)
Fire (Sioux)
Pazi  (Native American)
Yellow Bird
Pelipa  (Native American)
Lover of Horses
Peni  (Native American)
Peta  (Native American)
Golden Eagle (Black Foot)
Petunia  (Native American)
Flower Name
Pillan  (Native American)
God of Stormy Weather
PiMne  (Native American)
Weasel (Hopi)
Polikwaptiwa  (Native American)
Butterfly Sitting on a Flower (Hopi)
Poloma  (Native American)
Bow (Choctaw)
Posala  (Native American)
Farewell to Spring Flower
Powa  (Native American)
Powaqa  (Native American)
Witch (Hopi)
Powwaw  (Native American)
Priest (Algonquin)
Ptaysanwee  (Native American)
White Buffalo,Queen of the Herd
Pules  (Native American)
Qaletaqa  (Native American)
Guardian of the People (Hopi)
Qochata  (Native American)
White Man (Hopi)
Quana  (Native American)
Raini  (Native American)
Creator of the World
Reanna  (Native American)
From the Combination of Rae and Anna
Rexanne  (Native American)
From the Combination of Rex and Anne (Rexanna, Rexana, Rexine)
Richelle  (Native American)
Combination of Richard and Ellen (Rikki, Ricki, Riki, Ricci, Ricca)
Rosine  (Native American)
Little Rose-from Rozene
Rowtag  (Native American)
Fire (Algonquin)
Rozeanne  (Native American)
From the Combination of Rose and Anne (Roseanne, Ranna, Roanne, Roanna, Rosannah, Reseann, Rezanna, Rozanne)
Rozene  (Native American)
A Rose
Sadzi  (Native American)
Sun Heart,Clock
Sahale  (Native American)
Sahkyo  (Native American)
Sakima  (Native American)
Salali  (Native American)
Squirrel (Cherokee)
Sani  (Native American)
The Old One (Navajo)
Sanuye  (Native American)
Red Cloud Coming With Sundown
Satinka  (Native American)
Magic Dancer
SBtinka  (Native American)
Magical Dancer
Sedna  (Native American)
Goddess of Food
Segenam  (Native American)
Lazy (Algonquin)
Sequoia  (Native American)
Giant Redwood Tree
Sewati  (Native American)
Curved Bear Claw (Miwok)
Shada  (Native American)
Shaman  (Native American)
Holy Man
Shania  (Native American)
I'M on My Way
Shasta  (Native American)
Shawna  (Native American)
Variation of Sean (Shana, Shanna, Shauna, Shaundee, Shaunelle, Shawn, Shawni)
Shawnae  (Native American)
Sheshebens  (Native American)
Little Duck
837 names found for "Native American"   (page 13 of 17) 

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Additional Names

Lynelle | Nitza | Atalie | Bernadine | Justis | Nakia | Gilit | Zaanannim | Liz | Ber | Vilmaris | Ufa | Blaze | Vi | Abid |