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Native American Baby Names, Meanings

837 names found for "Native American"   (page 16 of 17) 

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Tuketu  (Native American)
Bear Making Dust (Miwok)
Tupi  (Native American)
To Pull Up (Miwok)
Tusa  (Native American)
Prairie Dog
Tuwa  (Native American)
Earth (Hopi)
Tyee  (Native American)
Una  (Native American)
Remember (Hopi)
Urika  (Native American)
Useful to All
Utina  (Native American)
Woman of My Country
Uzumati  (Native American)
Bear (Miwok)
Vaive atoish  (Native American)
Alights on the Cloud (Cheyenne)
Vaiveahtoish  (Native American)
Alights on the Cloud (Cheyenne)
Viho  (Native American)
Chief (Cheyenne)
Vipponah  (Native American)
Slim Face (Cheyenne)
Vohkinne  (Native American)
Roman Nose (Cheyenne)
Voistitoevitz  (Native American)
White Cow (Cheyenne)
Voisttitoevetz  (Native American)
White Cow (Cheyenne)
Vokivocummast  (Native American)
White Antelope (Cheyenne)
Wachiwi  (Native American)
Dancing Girl
Wahanassatta  (Native American)
He Who Walks With His Toes Turned Outward (Cheyenne)
Wahchinksapa  (Native American)
Wise (Sioux)
Wahchintonka  (Native American)
Has Much Practice (Sioux)
Wahkan  (Native American)
Sacred (Sioux)
Waitilanni  (Native American)
Wonder Water
Wakanda  (Native American)
Inner Magical Power
Waki  (Native American)
Shelter (Hopi)
Wakiza  (Native American)
Desperate Warrior
Wamblee  (Native American)
Eagle (Sioux)
Wambleesha  (Native American)
White Eagle (Sioux)
Wambli waste  (Native American)
Good Eagle (Dakota)
Wanageeska  (Native American)
White Spirit (Sioux)
Wanahton  (Native American)
Charger (Sioux)
Waneta  (Native American)
Waneta  (Native American)
Wanikiy  (Native American)
Savior (Sioux)
Wapi  (Native American)
Waquini  (Native American)
Hook Nose (Cheyenne)
Wasula  (Native American)
Wauna  (Native American)
Singing Snow Goose
Weayaya  (Native American)
Setting Sun (Sioux)
Weeko  (Native American)
Pretty Girl
Wematin  (Native American)
Brother (Algonquin)
Wemilat  (Native American)
Of Wealthy Parents
Wenona  (Native American)
Firstborn Daughter
Wicapi wakan  (Native American)
Holy Star (Dakota)
Wicapi Wakn  (Native American)
Holy Star
Wicasa  (Native American)
Sage (Dakota)
Wihakayada  (Native American)
Youngest Daughter,Little One
Wihunahe  (Native American)
Chief Woman
Wikimak  (Native American)
Wife (Algonquin)
Wikvaya  (Native American)
One Who Brings (Hopi)
837 names found for "Native American"   (page 16 of 17) 

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Additional Names

Luciano | Flossie | Halette | Hrytherford | Minnie | Toli | Glenna | Karina | Petronia | Berowne | Theodora | Arrick | Cardea | A'zam | Ganice |