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Welsh Baby Names, Meanings

1013 names found for "Welsh"   (page 13 of 21) 

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Iolo  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Iorwerth: Worthy Lord
Iona  (Welsh)
Legendary King of France
Iorwen  (Welsh)
Lord, Beautiful
Iorwerth  (Welsh)
Worthy Lord. Derived from 'Ior' and 'Gwerth'. Legendary Son of Maredudd
Isolda  (Welsh)
Beautiful. Fair
Isolde  (Welsh)
Fair One
Ithel  (Welsh)
Generous Lord
Iustig  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Caw
Ivor  (Welsh)
Variant of Ifor: Lord. Can Also Be a Variant of Ivor
Iwan  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of John 'God's Gift'
Jen  (Welsh)
White Wave
Jenifer  (Welsh)
White Wave
Jennifer  (Welsh)
Fair One. Variant of Guinevere. in Arthurian Mythology Guinevere Was Arthur's Queen
Jesstin  (Welsh)
Variant of Justin 'Just; Upright; Righteous.'
Jestin  (Welsh)
Variant of Justin 'Just; Upright; Righteous.'
Jestina  (Welsh)
Just; Upright. Feminine of Justin
Jestine  (Welsh)
Just; Upright. Feminine of Justin
Jeston  (Welsh)
Variant of Justin 'Just; Upright; Righteous.'
Jinelle  (Welsh)
From Guinevere, Fair
Kai  (Welsh)
Keeper of the Keys. Form of Kay
Kane  (Welsh)
Beautiful. Popular As a First Name in Australia
Kay  (Welsh)
Kei  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Kynyr
Keith  (Welsh)
Dwells in the Woods
Kelemon  (Welsh)
Legendary Daughter of Kei
Kelli  (Welsh)
From the Wood
Kelyn  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Caw
Ken  (Welsh)
Clear Water
Kendric  (Welsh)
Royal Chieftain. Jehovah Has Remembered. Surname
Kendrick  (Welsh)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kendrik  (Welsh)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kendrix  (Welsh)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kenn  (Welsh)
Clear Water
Kenrick  (Welsh)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kenrik  (Welsh)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kent  (Welsh)
Bright White
Kenyon  (Welsh)
From Ennion's Mound
Kevyn  (Welsh)
From the Ridge
Kian  (Welsh)
Legendary Father of Lugh
Kieve  (Welsh)
Mythical Name
Kigva  (Welsh)
Legendary Wife of Partholon's Son
Kilydd  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Kelyddon
Kim  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Kimball: Chief of War. Leader
Kimball  (Welsh)
Warrior Chief
Kimble  (Welsh)
Warrior Chief
Kraig  (Welsh)
Variant of Craig: Rock
Kyledyr  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Nwython
Kynan  (Welsh)
Kynan  (Welsh)
KyndMryn  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Ermid
1013 names found for "Welsh"   (page 13 of 21) 

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Additional Names

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