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Welsh Baby Names, Meanings

1013 names found for "Welsh"   (page 15 of 21) 

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Maddockson  (Welsh)
Son of Maddock
Maddocson  (Welsh)
Son of Maddock
Maddog  (Welsh)
Maddox  (Welsh)
Son of Maddock
Madoc  (Welsh)
Fortunate. Beneficent
Madog  (Welsh)
Maegan  (Welsh)
Variant of Margaret - Pearl - Based on the Abbreviation Meg
Mael  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Roycol
Maelgwyn  (Welsh)
Prince of the Hounds
Maelwys  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Baeddan
Mair  (Welsh)
Mairwen  (Welsh)
Fair Mary
Mali  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Molly: Bitter
Mallolwch  (Welsh)
Legendary King of Ireland
Manawydan  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Liyr
March  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Meirchywn
Maredud  (Welsh)
Marged  (Welsh)
Margred  (Welsh)
Mari  (Welsh)
Variant of Mary, Meaning Bitter. Favored Prefix for Blended Names Like Maribel
Marvin  (Welsh)
Variant of Mervyn: Form of Merlin: from the Sea Fortress
Marvyn  (Welsh)
Variant of Mervyn: Form of Merlin: from the Sea Fortress
Mathias  (Welsh)
Gift of God
Mawrth  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Mars, God of War
Maygan  (Welsh)
Variant of Margaret - Pearl - Based on the Abbreviation Meg
Meagan  (Welsh)
Variant of Margaret - Pearl - Based on the Abbreviation Meg
Meaghan  (Welsh)
Variant of Margaret - Pearl - Based on the Abbreviation Meg
Medyr  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Medyredydd
Meeghan  (Welsh)
Variant of Margaret - Pearl - Based on the Abbreviation Meg
Meggan  (Welsh)
Variant of Margaret - Pearl - Based on the Abbreviation Meg
Meghan  (Welsh)
Meilyg  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Caw
Meirion  (Welsh)
Name Derived from the Old County of Merionethshire
Meirion  (Welsh)
Name Derived from the Old County of Merionethshire
Melangell  (Welsh)
Sweet Angel
Menw  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Teinkaedd
Mercher  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Mercury, Messenger of the Gods
Mercia  (Welsh)
From Mercia
Meredith  (Welsh)
Guardian of the Sea. Great Chief. This Name Can Be Given to Children of Either Gender, But is More Common Among Girls
Meredith  (Welsh)
Protector from the Sea
Meredith  (Welsh)
Guardian from the Sea
Meredydd  (Welsh)
Guardian of the Sea
Meredydd  (Welsh)
Mererid  (Welsh)
Meridith  (Welsh)
Guardian of the Sea
Merlin  (Welsh)
Hawk. from the Sea Fortress. in Arthurian Legend, Merlin Ambrosius Was Adviser/Mentor to King Arthur
Merlyn  (Welsh)
Sea Fortress. in Arthurian Mythology the Wizard Merlin Was King Arthur's Mentor
Merrick  (Welsh)
Dark-skinned; a Moor. Form of Maurice
Merrion  (Welsh)
Variant of Meirion: Name Derived from the Old County of Merionethshire
Merrion  (Welsh)
Variant of Meirion: Name Derived from the Old County of Merionethshire
1013 names found for "Welsh"   (page 15 of 21) 

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Additional Names

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