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Welsh Baby Names, Meanings

1013 names found for "Welsh"   (page 4 of 21) 

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Bronwyn  (Welsh)
Dark and Pure. White Breast, White Breasted
Brychan  (Welsh)
Speckled; Spotted
Bryn  (Welsh)
Hill. Many Welsh Place Names Begin With the Word 'Bryn'
Brynmor  (Welsh)
Great Hill
Brynn  (Welsh)
From the Hill
Brynn  (Welsh)
Hill (Brinn, Brynne)
Brys  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Brysethach
Buddug  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Victoria: Victory
BwIch  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Cleddyv Kyvwkh
Cadarn  (Welsh)
Cadawg  (Welsh)
Battle Sharp
Caddell  (Welsh)
Variant of Cadell: Small Battle; Spirit of the Battle
Caddoc  (Welsh)
Battle Sharp
Caddock  (Welsh)
War-ready; Battle Sharp
Cade  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Cadell: Small Battle; Spirit of the Battle
Cadel  (Welsh)
Cadell  (Welsh)
Small Battle; Spirit of the Battle
Cadellin  (Welsh)
Legendary Father of Gweir
Caden  (Welsh)
Spirit of Battle. See Also Kade
Cadi  (Welsh)
Cadman  (Welsh)
Cadmon  (Welsh)
Cadwalader  (Welsh)
Variant of Cadwaladr: War Leader; Battle Leader
Cadwaladr  (Welsh)
Battle Leader. This Name Dates Back to the Th Century. More Commonly Used As a Surname Than a First Name in the Present Day
Cadwaladyr  (Welsh)
Variant of Cadwaladr: War Leader; Battle Leader
Cadwallader  (Welsh)
Battle Leader. This Name Dates Back to the Th Century. More Commonly Used As a Surname Than a First Name in the Present Day
Cadwallen  (Welsh)
Battle Disolver. Also a Variant of Cadwallon: Arranges the Battle
Cadwallon  (Welsh)
Arranges the Battle
Cadwgawn  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Iddon
Cadwr  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Gwlyon
Cadwy  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Gereint
Cadwyn  (Welsh)
Cadyryeith  (Welsh)
Well Spoken
Caer Llion  (Welsh)
From Caerleon
Caerau  (Welsh)
From the Castle
Caerwyn  (Welsh)
White Fortress
Caethes  (Welsh)
Cafell  (Welsh)
Cai  (Welsh)
A Diminutive of Cajus, Frequently Used As an Independent Name in Wales. Rejoicer
Cai  (Welsh)
Cain  (Welsh)
Clear Water
Caio  (Welsh)
Variant of Cai: Joy
Caius  (Welsh)
Variant of Cai: Joy
Calcas  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Caw
CaledvwIch  (Welsh)
Legendary Excalibur, King Arthur's Sword
Cambree  (Welsh)
From Wales
Camedyr  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Govynyon
Caniad  (Welsh)
Cant  (Welsh)
Caradawg  (Welsh)
Legendary Father of Eudav
1013 names found for "Welsh"   (page 4 of 21) 

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Additional Names

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