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Welsh Baby Names, Meanings

1013 names found for "Welsh"   (page 9 of 21) 

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Evan  (Welsh)
God is Good
Evann  (Welsh)
Variant of Evan: God is Good
Evans  (Welsh)
Variant of Evan: God is Good
Evin  (Welsh)
Variant of Evan: God is Good
Evon  (Welsh)
Variant of a Gaelic Name Anglicized As John
Evrawg  (Welsh)
From York
Evyn  (Welsh)
Variant of a Gaelic Name Anglicized As John
Ewan  (Welsh)
Variant of Evan: God is Good
Eyslk  (Welsh)
Fane  (Welsh)
Fercos  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Poch
Ffanci  (Welsh)
Fferyll  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Virgil 'Bears the Staff'
Fflergant  (Welsh)
Legendary King of Brittany
Fflewdwr  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Naw
Ffodor  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Ervyll
Ffowc  (Welsh)
Of the People
Ffraid  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Bridget: Strong
Floyd  (Welsh)
The Hollow
Fnam  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Nwyvre
Folant  (Welsh)
Freda  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Winifred: Blessed Reconciliation
Fychan  (Welsh)
Fyrsil  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Virgil 'Bears the Staff'
Gaenor  (Welsh)
A Variant of the Gaelic Gaynor, Meaning 'son of the Blond Man'
Gaenor  (Welsh)
Smooth, Light Colored
Gaerwn  (Welsh)
White Fort
Gaius  (Welsh)
Garan  (Welsh)
Garan  (Welsh)
Garanhon  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Giythvyr
Garanwyn  (Welsh)
White Shank
Gareth  (Welsh)
Garnoc  (Welsh)
Dwells by the Alder Tree River
Garnock  (Welsh)
Dwells by the Alder Tree River
Garreth  (Welsh)
Gentle. Modest and Brave Sir Gareth Was a Legendary Knight of King Arthur's Round Table
Garry  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Gareth: Gentle. Modest and Brave Sir Gareth Was a Legendary Knight of King Arthur's Round Table
Garwyli  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Gwydaawg Gwyr
Gary  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Gareth: Gentle. Modest and Brave Sir Gareth Was a Legendary Knight of King Arthur's Round Table
Gavan  (Welsh)
Hawk of the Battle: White Hawk. from the Medieval Name Gawain. See Also Gwayne
Gavin  (Welsh)
Hawk of the Battle: White Hawk. from the Medieval Name Gawain. See Also Gwayne
Gavyn  (Welsh)
Hawk of the Battle: White Hawk. from the Medieval Name Gawain. See Also Gwayne
Gawain  (Welsh)
From the Welsh Words for Little or White Hawk. Hawk of the Battle
Gerontius  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Geraint: a Variant of the Latin Gerontius, from the Greek 'Geron' Meaning Old. Famous Bearer: Welsh Opera Singer Sir Geraint Evans
Gerwyn  (Welsh)
Fair Love
Gethin  (Welsh)
Gilbert  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Cadgyffro
Gilvaethwy  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Don
GIyn  (Welsh)
Dwells in the Glen
GIynn  (Welsh)
Dwells in the Glen
1013 names found for "Welsh"   (page 9 of 21) 

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