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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 212 of 422) 

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Ishiah  (Biblical)
It is the Lord
Ishma  (Biblical)
Named, Marveling, Desolation
Ishmachiah  (Biblical)
Cleaving to the Lord
Ishmael  (Hebrew)
God Listens
Ishmaiah  (Biblical)
Hearing or Obeying the Lord
Ishmerai  (Biblical)
Keeper, or Keeping
Ishod  (Biblical)
A Comely Man
Ishtiaq  (Muslim)
Longing. Craving
Ishua  (Biblical)
Plainness, Equal
Ishvara  (Indian)
Ishwar  (Indian)
powerful, the supreme god
Isiah  (Hebrew)
God's Helper
Isidore  (Greek)
Strong Gift, Practical, Greedy, Impatient
Isidoro  (Spanish)
Gifted With Many Ideas
Isidoror  (Greek)
Strong Gift
Isidro  (Spanish)
Gifted With Many Ideas
Isidrro  (Greek)
Strong Gift
Islaam  (Muslim)
Variant of Islam: Peace. Peaceful. Very Safe
Islam  (Muslim)
Peace. Peaceful. Very Safe
Isleif  (Norse)
Brother of Isrod
Ismaa'eel  (Muslim)
Variant of Ismael: the Biblical Ishmael is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Ismael  (Hebrew)
God Listens. in the Bible Ismael Was Son of Abraham by Sarah's Egyptian Slave Woman Hagar
Ismail  (Islamic)
God Hears
Ismat  (Muslim)
Chastity. Purity
Ismet  (Turkish)
Isolf  (Norse)
Son of Hrani
Ispah  (Biblical)
A Jasper Stone
Israar  (Muslim)
Variant of Israr: Secrecy. Privacy
Israel  (Hebrew)
May God Prevail. He Struggles With God. God Perseveres; Contends. in the Bible When Jacob Was in His Nineties As a Token of Blessing God Changed His Name to Israel
Israr  (Muslim)
Secrecy. Privacy
Isreal  (Hebrew)
Ruling With the Lord
Isrod  (Norse)
Brother of Isleif
Issa  (Egyptian)
God Saves
Issac  (Dutch)
Issachar  (Biblical)
Reward, Recompense
Issay  (African)
Istaqa  (Native American)
Coyote Man (Hopi)
Istu  (Native American)
Istvan  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Stephen 'Crowned With Victory'
Isui  (Biblical)
Plainness, Equal
Iswara  (Hindu)
A Personal God
Itai  (Hebrew)
Italy  (Biblical)
Abounding With Calves or Heifers
Ithai  (Biblical)
Strong, My Sign, a Plowshare
Ithamar  (Biblical)
Island of the Palm-tree
Ithel  (Welsh)
Generous Lord
Ither  (Arthurian Legend)
Killed by Percival
Ithiel  (Biblical)
Sign; or Coming of God
Ithmah  (Biblical)
An Orphan
Ithran  (Biblical)
Remaining, Searching Out Diligently
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 212 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Mettalise | Ashby | Jessamyn | Ajit | Fabiola | Dwayne | Dan | Bhuvanesh | Sheila | Rupette | Bernadea | Keiran | Anya | Toni | Gaye |