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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 200 of 422) 

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Hilarion  (Latin)
Hilary  (Latin)
Cheerful, Sympathetic, Gay, Ingenuous, Never Becomes Sophisticated. (Hilaire, Hillary)
Hildbrand  (German)
War Sword
Hildebrand  (German)
Battle Sword
Hildebrandt  (Teutonic)
Battle Sword
Hildehrand  (German)
War Sword
Hilderinc  (Anglo Saxon)
Hilen  (Biblical)
A Window, Grief
Hilkiah  (Biblical)
God is My Portion
Hillary  (Latin)
Hillel  (Biblical)
He That Praises
Hillery  (Latin)
Happy; Cheerful
Hilliard  (Teutonic)
Defender in War
Hillock  (English)
From the Small Hill
Hillocke  (English)
From the Small Hill
Hilmar  (Swedish)
Name of a Noble
Hilton  (English)
From the Hall on the Hill
Himaayat  (Muslim)
Variant of Himayat: Help. Support
Himaghna  (Hindu)
The Sun Who Melts Snow
Himakar  (Hindu)
The Moon
Himanshu  (Hindu)
The Moon
Himayat  (Muslim)
Help. Support
Hinnom  (Biblical)
There They Are, Their Riches
Hinrich  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Hinto  (Native American)
Blue (Dakota)
Hinun  (Native American)
God of Clouds and Rain
Hipolit  (Greek)
Freer of Horses
Hippocampus  (Greek)
A Horse of Poseidon
Hippogriff  (Greek)
Part Horse Part Griffen
Hippolytus  (Greek)
Horse Let Loose. in Greek Legend, the Son of Theseus and Hippolyta, Who Was Dragged to His Death by Stampeding Horses
Hippolytusr  (Greek)
Freer of Horses
Hippomenes  (Greek)
Winner of Atalanta
Hirah  (Biblical)
Liberty, Anger
Hiram  (Biblical)
'Exaltation of Life, a Destroyer'
Hiranya  (Indian)
Hiranyagarbha  (Hindu)
A Golden Egg
Hiresh  (Indian)
king of gems
Hiromasa  (Japanese)
Broad Minded, Just
Hiroshi  (Japanese)
Hirsch  (Yiddish)
Hirsi  (African)
Hisoka  (Japanese)
Hitakar  (Hindu)
Well Wisher
Hitesh  (Hindu)
Good Person
Hittite  (Biblical)
One Who is Broken, Who Fears
Hivites  (Biblical)
Wicked, Wickedness
Hiyam  (Islamic)
Deliriously in Love (?)
Hizkijah  (Biblical)
The Strength of the Lord
Hjalmar  (Swedish)
Name of a Noble
Hlaford  (Anglo Saxon)
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 200 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Rylan | Vaetilda | Jagger | Lakiesha | Jobina | Seleta | Rowan | Mehemet | Ikshu | Casper | Ameerah | Minta | Jonam | Kane | Gaute |