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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 218 of 422) 

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Jaran  (English)
Modern Variant of Israeli Jaron 'Cry of Rejoicing.'
Jareb  (Biblical)
A Revenger
Jared  (Biblical)
A Ruling, Commanding, Coming Down
Jareh  (Muslim)
Wounding. Cutter
Jarek  (Polish)
Born During January
Jarel  (English)
Blend of Jar and Darell. See Also Jerrell
Jarell  (English)
Blend of Jar and Darell. See Also Jerrell
Jaren  (English)
Modern Variant of Israeli Jaron 'Cry of Rejoicing.'
Jaresiah  (Biblical)
The Bed of the Lord, the Lord Hath Taken Away, Poverty
Jareth  (English)
Bled of Jar or Jer and Gareth
Jariath  (Hebrew)
Tributary Lord
Jarib  (Biblical)
'Fighting, Chiding, Multiplying, Avenging'
Jarin  (English)
Modern Variant of Israeli Jaron 'Cry of Rejoicing.'
Jarl  (Scandinavian)
Royalty Title Approximately Equivalent to the English Earl
Jarlath  (Irish)
Tributary Lord
Jarman  (German)
A German
Jarmann  (German)
A German
Jarmuth  (Biblical)
Fearing, or Seeing, or Throwing Down, Death
Jarold  (Teutonic)
Strong With a Spear
Jaron  (Israeli)
Cry of Rejoicing
Jarrad  (English)
Variant of the French Name Gervaise 'spearman.'
Jarrah  (Arabic)
Jarran  (English)
Modern Variant of Israeli Jaron 'Cry of Rejoicing.'
Jarred  (Hebrew)
Variant of Jared: Rose (Flower). Also Descending. A Pre-flood Biblical Name. The Character Jared on the Late Sixties Tv Western the Big Valley
Jarrel  (English)
Blend of Jar and Darell. See Also Jerrell
Jarrell  (English)
Blend of Jar and Darell. See Also Jerrell
Jarren  (English)
Modern Variant of Israeli Jaron 'Cry of Rejoicing.'
Jarret  (English)
Spear Strong. Variant of Garrett
Jarreth  (English)
Bled of Jar or Jer and Gareth
Jarrett  (Hebrew)
Bringer of the Spear
Jarrod  (English)
Spear Strong. Variant and Surname Form of Garrett from Gerald
Jarron  (English)
Modern Variant of Israeli Jaron 'Cry of Rejoicing.'
Jarvah  (Biblical)
Breathing, or Making, a Sweet Smell
Jarvi  (Finnish)
Jarvis  (German)
A Conqueror
Jaryan  (Latin)
Jaryl  (English)
Blend of Jar and Darell. See Also Jerrell
Jaryn  (English)
Modern Variant of Israeli Jaron 'Cry of Rejoicing.'
Jase  (American)
From Jason
Jasen  (Greek)
Variant of Jason: a Healing
Jaser  (Arabic)
Jasha  (Russian)
Jashem  (Biblical)
Ancient, Sleeping
Jashen  (Biblical)
Ancient, Sleeping
Jasher  (Biblical)
Righteous, Upright
Jashobeam  (Biblical)
The People Sitting, or Captivity of the People
Jashub  (Biblical)
A Returning, a Controversy, a Dwelling Place
Jasiel  (Biblical)
The Strength of God
Jasmin  (French)
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jason  (Greek)
A Healing. in Greek Mythology, the Leader of the Group of Warrior Heroes Called the Argonauts
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 218 of 422) 

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Additional Names

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