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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 246 of 422) 

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Krischanr  (Greek)
Krishna  (Hindu)
Hindu God, Dark
Krishnadwaipayan  (Hindu)
Name of Sage Vedavyas
Krisoijn  (Dutch)
Curly Haired
Krisr  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Kriss  (English)
Diminutive of Christian: Follower of Christ. Chris is Used As a Diminutive of Many Masculine and Feminine Names Beginning With Chris-, Including Christian, Christina, Christine, and Christopher
Krissyn  (Greek)
With God from Birth
Krist  (Swedish)
Kristabelle  (Greek)
Variant of Crystal. Sparkling. 'K' from the Greek Spelling of Krystallos
Kristar  (Swedish)
Kristian  (Greek)
Kristof  (Scandinavian)
Form of Christopher
Kristofer  (Scandinavian)
Form of Christopher
Kristoff  (Scandinavian)
Form of Christopher
Kristoffer  (Scandinavian)
Form of Christopher
Kristofor  (English)
Variant of Christopher: He Who Holds Christ in His Heart. Famous Bearers: Actors Christopher Plummer and Christopher Walken; Explorer Christopher Columbus
Kristofr  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Kristopher  (Greek)
Kristor  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Kristos  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Kristr  (Greek)
Kritagaya  (Hindu)
A Grateful Person
Kritanta  (Indian)
God of Death
Kritivarma  (Hindu)
Krishna 's Friend
Krocka  (Czechoslovakian)
Moves Slowly
Krossbyr  (Norse)
Dwells at the Shrine of the Cross
Krounch  (Hindu)
A Bird
Krum  (Bulgaria)
Unknown Meaning
Krystalynn  (Greek)
Variant of Crystal. Sparkling. 'K' from the Greek Spelling of Krystallos
Krystine  (English)
Variant of Christine. 'Christian.'
Krystiyan  (Ukrainian)
Krystof  (Scandinavian)
Form of Christopher
Krystopher  (Scandinavian)
Form of Christopher
Krystupasr  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Krystyn  (Polish)
Follower of Christ
Krzysztof  (Polish)
Polish Form of Christopher 'Christ Bearer'
Krzysztofr  (Greek)
Ksathra  (Persian)
Kshamasheel  (Hindu)
The One Who Forgives
Kshiteendra  (Hindu)
A King of Suryavamsha
Kshitija  (Hindu)
Kuan-yin  (Chinese)
Buddhist Deity of Mercy
Kuanbyr  (Norse)
From the Woman's Estate
Kuba  (Polish)
Polish Pet; Form of Jacob
Kubas  (Czechoslovakian)
Kubera  (Hindu)
God of Wealth
Kuckunniwi  (Native American)
Little Wolf (Cheyenne)
Kuhlbert  (German)
Calm or Bright
Kuiril  (Basque)
Kuirilr  (Greek)
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 246 of 422) 

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