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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 303 of 422) 

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Nuzhat  (Muslim)
Recreation. Amusement
Nyack  (African)
Won't Give Up
Nye  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Aneurin: Uncertain Origin, But May Be Derived from the Latin Honorius Meaning Man of Honour, or from the Welsh Eur Meaning Gold
Nygaire  (English)
Apparently Little Flower of the Swamp. Maori Origins Should Be Spelt Ngaire Pronounced Nyree
Nygel  (Gaelic)
Champion from the Irish and Scottish Niall
Nykko  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nykoal  (English)
Another Spelling for Nicole
Nyle  (Celtic)
Nyles  (English)
Champion. Form of Neil
Nym  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Soldier in the King's Army. 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' a Follower of Falstaff
Nymphas  (Biblical)
Spouse; Bridegroom
Nynnyaw  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Beli
O'brian  (Irish)
O'brien  (Irish)
O'keefe  (Irish)
O'shay  (Irish)
O'shea  (Irish)
Oakden  (English)
From the Oak Tree Valley
Oakes  (English)
Beside the Oak Trees (Ochs, Oakleyl
Oakley  (English)
From the Oak - Tree Meadow
Oates  (German)
Variant of Odo: Wealth
Oba  (African)
King (In Nigerian)
Obadiah  (Hebrew)
God's Servant (Obadias, Obed)
Obal  (Biblical)
Inconvenience of Old Age
Obayana  (Nigerian)
King of Fire
Obed  (Biblical)
A Servant; Workman
Obed-edom  (Biblical)
Servant of Edom
Obediah  (Hebrew)
Serves God
Oberon  (Shakespearean)
'A Midsummer Night's Dream' King of the Fairies
Obiareus  (Greek)
A Titan
Obil  (Biblical)
That Weeps, Who Deserves to Be Bewailed
Oboth  (Biblical)
'Dragons, Fathers, Desires'
Ocean  (English)
Lover of the Sea
Oceanus  (Greek)
Father of the Oceanids
Ocelfa  (English)
From the High Plain
Ocnus  (Greek)
Ocran  (Biblical)
A Disturber, That Disorders
Octave  (French)
Born Eighth
Octavian  (Latin)
Variant of Octavius: Born Eighth. Octavian Was the Name Used Commonly for the Emperor Augustus
Octavio  (Latin)
Octavious  (Latin)
Octavius  (Shakespearean)
'Antony and Cleopatra'. Octavius Caesar, Roman Triumvir. 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' Triumvir After Caesar's Death, Later Augustus Caesar, First Emperor of Rome
Octe  (Anglo Saxon)
A Son of Hengist
Octha  (Anglo Saxon)
A Son of Hengist
Ocumwhowurst  (Native American)
Yellow Wolf (Cheyenne)
Ocunnowhurst  (Native American)
Yellow Wolf (Cheyenne)
Ocvran  (Arthurian Legend)
Father of Guinevere
Odakota  (Native American)
Friend (Sioux)
Odale  (English)
Of the Valley
Odam  (English)
Son in Law
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 303 of 422) 

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Additional Names

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