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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 306 of 422) 

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Omari  (African)
God the Highest (Swahili)
Omarr  (African)
God the Highest (Swahili)
Omawnakw  (Native American)
Cloud Feather (Hopi)
Omayma  (African)
Little Mother
Omdearoop  (Hindu)
Omeet  (Hebrew)
My Light
Omega  (Biblical)
The Last Letter of the Greek Alphabet, Long O
Omer  (Arabic)
First Son
Omet  (Hebrew)
My Light
Omkar  (Hindu)
A Holy Letter and Sound
Omkareshwar  (Hindu)
Ommar  (Arabic)
First Son
Omolf  (Norse)
Son of Armod
Omparkash  (Indian)
Light of God
Omprakash  (Indian)
light of Om
Omran  (Muslim)
Solid Structure
Omri  (Islamic)
Live Long
On  (Biblical)
Pain, Force, Iniquity
Onam  (Biblical)
Pain, Force, Iniquity
Onan  (Biblical)
Pain, Force, Iniquity
Ondrus  (Czechoslovakian)
Ondyaw  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of a French Duke
Onesimus  (Biblical)
Profitable, Useful
Onesiphorus  (Biblical)
Who Brings Profit
Onfroi  (French)
Peacefui Hun
Onika  (African)
ONille  (French)
From the Gold Town
Onnan  (Teutonic)
Ono  (Biblical)
Grief or Strength or Iniquity of Him
Onofre  (Spanish)
Defender of Peace
Onslow  (English)
From the Zealous One's Hill
Onslowe  (English)
From the Zealous One's Hill
Onund  (Norse)
Son of Viking
Onuris  (Egyptian)
Brings Back the Distant One
Ony  (Russian)
Ooghavanth  (Hindu)
Sun of Prateeka of Surya Dynasty
Oojam  (Indian)
Oorjit  (Indian)
Ooschie  (German)
A Running Water Fall
Ophel  (Biblical)
A Tower, Darkness, Small White Cloud
Ophelia  (Greek)
Help, Assistance
Ophion  (Greek)
A Serpent
Ophir  (Biblical)
Fruitful Region
Ophni  (Biblical)
Wearisomeness, Folding Together
Ophrah  (Biblical)
Dust, Lead, a Fawn
Ora  (Hebrew)
Orahamm  (English)
From Tbe Riverbank Enclosure
Oral  (Russian)
Oram  (English)
From Tbe Riverbank Enclosure
Oran  (Gaelic)
Green Life (Oren, Orin, Orren, Orrin)
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 306 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Subhuja | Alfonso | Gutka | Benjiro | Marisha | Manu | Manfred | Chappy | Jumanah | Wallis | Tarala | Donell | Covell | Artus | Clarice |