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Baby names beginning with "E"

1618 names found for "E"   (page 22 of 33) 

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Ephesus  (Biblical)
Ephie  (Greek)
Well Spoken
Ephphatha  (Biblical)
Be Opened
Ephphatha  (Biblical)
Be Opened
Ephraim  (Biblical)
'Fruitful, Increasing'
Ephrain  (Hebrew)
Variant of Ephrayim: Fertile
Ephram  (Hebrew)
Ephratah  (Biblical)
Abundance, Bearing Fruit
Ephrath  (Biblical)
Abundance, Bearing Fruit
Ephrayim  (Hebrew)
Ephrem  (Hebrew)
Doubly Fruitful. Form of Hebrew Ephraim
Ephron  (Hebrew)
Doubly Fruitful. Form of Hebrew Ephraim
Ephyra  (Latin)
Daughter of Oceanus
Epicurean  (Biblical)
Follower of Epicurus I.E. of One Who Gives Assistance
Epicurean  (Biblical)
Follower of Epicurus I.E. of One Who Gives Assistance
Epide  (Greek)
Epifanio  (Greek)
One Who Gives Light
Epione  (Latin)
Wife of Asclepius
Epona  (Latin)
Protectress of Horses
Eppie  (English)
A Diminutive of Euphemia or Hephzibah, Also Used As an Independent Name
Equestris  (Latin)
Venus's Surname
Er  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Eran: Observant
Eraman  (German)
Eramana  (German)
Eran  (Biblical)
Erasme  (Greek)
Variant of Erasmus: Loved
Erasmo  (Spanish)
Erasmus  (Greek)
Desired or Beloved, Worthy of Love. Famous Bearer: St Erasmus (St. Elmo) is the Patron Saint of Sailors, for Whom St Elmo's Fire is Named; Charles Darwin's Grandfather, British Physician and Poet Eras
Erasto  (African)
Man of Peace
Erastus  (Biblical)
Lovely, Amiable
Erato  (Greek)
Muse of Erotic Poetry
Eravant  (Hindu)
Son of Arjuna and Ullopi
Erbin  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Custenhin
Erc  (Irish)
Erchanbold  (German)
Sacred or Bold
Erchanhardt  (German)
Ercole  (Greek)
Gift from God
ErcwIff  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Hercules 'Hera's Glory'
Erdudvyl  (Welsh)
Legendary Daughter of Tryffin
Erea  (Celtic)
From Ireland
Erebus  (Greek)
Father of Charon
Erechtheus  (Greek)
King of Athens
Erek  (Polish)
Erel  (Hebrew)
I See God
Erela  (Hebrew)
Erelah  (Hebrew)
Erendira  (Spanish)
Name of a Princess
Erendiria  (Spanish)
Name of a Princess
Ereneti  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Elenek: Avid; Eager
Ereonberht  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
1618 names found for "E"   (page 22 of 33) 

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Additional Names

Karpur | Brookes | Gcibor | Hilaire | Scand | Lacee | Mette | Hume | Laila | Heber | Alonso | Evert | Omari | Nishan | Musawenkosi |