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Baby names beginning with "E"

1618 names found for "E"   (page 28 of 33) 

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Ethelind  (Teutonic)
Ethelinda  (English)
From Aethelind, the Old English Equivalent of an Old German Name Derived from Athal 'Noble' and Lindi 'snake'
Ethelinde  (Teutonic)
Ethelred  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Ethelreda  (English)
Noble Maiden
Ethelwulf  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Ether  (Biblical)
Ether  (Biblical)
Etheswitha  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a Princess
Ethiopia  (Biblical)
Blackness, Heat
Ethiopia  (Biblical)
Blackness, Heat
Ethna  (Irish)
Ethnan  (Biblical)
Ethne  (Gaelic)
Feminine Equivalent of the Irish Gaelic Aidan, a Name Popular in the Th Century After the Famous Irish Monk Aidan
Ethni  (Biblical)
Ethni  (Biblical)
Etienne  (French)
Crown. French Form of Stephen
Etilka  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Ethel, Meaning Noble
Etlelooaat  (Native American)
Shouts (Algonquin)
Etney  (Irish)
Feminine Form of Aidan: Fire
Etoile  (French)
Eton  (English)
Variant of Eaton: River Town
Etor  (Basque)
Etsu  (Japanese)
Etta  (English)
Abbreviation for Henrietta and Harriette
Ettard  (Arthurian Legend)
Lover of Pelleas
Ettare  (Arthurian Legend)
Lover of Pelleas
Ettie  (Latin)
Abbreviation for Henrietta and Harriette
Ettore  (Italian)
Etty  (Latin)
Abbreviation for Henrietta and Harriette
Etu  (Native American)
The Sun
Euadne  (Latin)
Daughter of Poseidon
Euan  (Irish)
Possibly a Variant of John
Euandra  (Latin)
Eubh  (Gaelic)
From Eve (Life). Variations: Eubha. (E-vah)
Eubha  (Gaelic)
First Woman, the Mother of All Living; Gaelic Form of Eve
Eubuleus  (Greek)
Told Demeter About Her Daughter
Eubulus  (Biblical)
Prudent, Good Counselor
Eubulus  (Biblical)
Prudent, Good Counselor
Euclid  (Greek)
Greek Surname. Euclid Was an Early Developer of Geometry Theories
Eudard  (Scottish)
Variant of Eideard: Rich Protector
Eudav  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Caradawg
Eudocia  (Greek)
Highly Regarded
Eudokia  (Greek)
Highly Regarded
Eudora  (Greek)
Honored Gift
Eudosia  (Greek)
Eudosis  (Greek)
Highly Regarded
Eudoxia  (Greek)
Highly Regarded
Euen  (Scottish)
Variant of Ewan: Youth
Eufemiusz  (Polish)
Nice Voice
1618 names found for "E"   (page 28 of 33) 

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Additional Names

Laquan | Eternity | Sigfrieda | Arnaud | Priyadarshini | Henrietta | Arlan | Morrell | Marrim | Aglaral | Licia | Waldon | Hanzila | Quinton | Wilaayat |