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Baby names beginning with "E"

1618 names found for "E"   (page 23 of 33) 

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Eres  (Welsh)
Ergyryad  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Caw
Erhard  (German)
Erhardt  (Danish)
Erhart  (German)
Variant of Erhard: Determined
Eri  (Hebrew)
Abbreviation of Erin - a Poetic Name for Ireland
Erian  (Anglo Saxon)
Eriantha  (Greek)
Erianthe  (Greek)
Sweet As Many Flowers
Erianthia  (Greek)
Eriboea  (Latin)
Wife of Aloeus
Eric  (Teutonic)
Ever King, Moody, Contemplative, Courageous, Given to Day-dreaming
Erica  (Teutonic)
Contemplative, Courageous
Erich  (German)
German Form of Eric
Erichthonius  (Latin)
Founder of Troy
Erick  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. in Scandinavian Legend the Viking Sea Rover Ericson: (Son of Eric the Red) Landed on the Shores of America Years Before Christopher Columbus
Ericka  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. Feminine of Eric
Ericksen  (Scandinavian)
Son of Eric 'Ever Kingly.'
Erickson  (Scandinavian)
Son of Eric 'Ever Kingly.'
Erico  (Norse)
Variant of Eric: Ruler of the People. Famous Bearer: Popular Blues Guitarist/Singer Eric Clapton
Erics  (Norse)
Feminine Form of Eric: Ever or Eternal Ruler. Island Ruler. Famous Bearer: Norwegian Explorer Eric the Red
Ericson  (Scandinavian)
Son of Eric 'Ever Kingly.'
Erie  (Celtic)
From Ireland
Erienne  (Gaelic)
Poetic Name for Ireland
Erigone  (Greek)
Daughter of Icarius
Erihapeti  (Maori)
Maori Form of Elizabeth
Erik  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. in Scandinavian Legend the Viking Sea Rover Ericson: (Son of Eric the Red) Landed on the Shores of America Years Before Christopher Columbus
Erika  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. Feminine of Eric
Erikka  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. Feminine of Eric
Eriko  (Japanese)
Child With a Collar. The Suffix -ko Means Child
Erikson  (Scandinavian)
Son of Eric 'Ever Kingly.'
Erimentha  (Greek)
Collector of Thoughts, Determined Protector
Erin  (Irish)
An Ancient and Poetic Name for Ireland. Famous Bearer: Erin from the American Television Series 'The Waltons'
Erin  (Celtic)
From Ireland
Erina  (Celtic)
From Ireland
Erinn  (Gaelic)
Poetic Name for Ireland
Erinna  (Gaelic)
Poetic Name for Ireland
Erinne  (Gaelic)
Poetic Name for Ireland
Erinyes  (Greek)
A Fury
Eriphyle  (Greek)
Wife of Amphiaraus
Eriq  (French)
Variant of Scandinavian Eric 'Ever Kingly.' Actor Eriq La Salle
Eris  (Greek)
Goddess of Discord
Erith  (Hebrew)
Eritha  (Hebrew)
Eriyn  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Peibyn
Erkerd  (German)
Erl  (English)
Variant of Earl: Noble Leader
Erland  (English)
From the Noblemsn's Land
Erle  (English)
Nobleman. Based on the English Title of Earl. Famous Bearer:American Author Erle Stanley Gardner
Erleen  (English)
Noble Woman
1618 names found for "E"   (page 23 of 33) 

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Additional Names

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