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Baby names beginning with "R"

1469 names found for "R"   (page 3 of 30) 

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Rae  (Scottish)
Rae  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Rachel: Ewe. Rachel Was the Second and Favoured Wife of Jacob in the Old Testament
Raea  (Western)
Rivers. Ray-a (Rhea, Raya). Origin: Greek
Raeanne  (American)
Graceful Lamb
Raechel  (Hebrew)
Innocent Lamb
Raed  (English)
Raedan  (Anglo Saxon)
Raedanoran  (English)
From the Red Shore
Raedbora  (Anglo Saxon)
Raedburne  (English)
Lives by the Red Stream
Raedclyf  (English)
From the Red Cliff
Raedeman  (English)
Red Haired Horseman
Raedford  (English)
From the Red Ford
Raedleah  (English)
From the Red Meadow
Raedmund  (English)
Red Haired Defender
Raedpath  (English)
Lives Near the Red Path
Raedself  (English)
Elfin Counselor
Raedwald  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Raedwolf  (English)
Red Wolf
Raelene  (Australian)
Blend of Rae (Short Form of Rachel: Ewe) and the Name Element -ene
Raelle  (Western)
Rae - Wise Protection (German) Elle - Female/Girl (French). Origin: French, German
Rafa  (Arabic)
Rafa'  (Muslim)
Happiness. Prosperity
Rafael  (Spanish)
From the Name Raphael
Rafaele  (Italian)
God Has Healed
Rafaello  (Italian)
God Has Healed
Rafal  (Hebrew)
God's Healer
Rafat  (Islamic)
Rafe  (Hebrew)
Form of Rafael 'God Has Healed.'
Rafee'  (Muslim)
Variant of Rafi': High. Exalted
Rafee'a  (Muslim)
Variant of Rafi'A: Exalted. Sublime
Rafeeq  (Muslim)
Variant of Rafiq: Kind. Ally
Rafeeqa  (Muslim)
Variant of Rafiga: Sweetheart. Companion
Rafela  (Hebrew)
Rafer  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Raff  (English)
Red Wolf
Raffaello  (Italian)
Basis for Name Raphael
Rafferty  (Gaelic)
One Who Brings Riches (Rafe, Refer, Raff, Raffer)
Rafferty  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Rafi  (Arabic)
Rafi'  (Muslim)
High. Exalted
Rafi'a  (Muslim)
Exalted. Sublime
Rafiga  (Muslim)
Sweetheart. Companion
Rafiki  (African)
Rafiq  (Islamic)
Friend, Companion
Ragau  (Biblical)
Friend; Shepherd
Raghallach  (Gaelic)
Raghavanka  (Hindu)
Name of a Poet of Karnataka
Raghavendra  (Hindu)
Best Among Raghus
Raghd  (Muslim)
1469 names found for "R"   (page 3 of 30) 

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Additional Names

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