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Baby names beginning with "R"

1469 names found for "R"   (page 7 of 30) 

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Rami  (Arabic)
Ramiah  (Biblical)
Exaltation of the Lord
Ramira  (Spanish)
Ramirez  (Spanish)
Ramiro  (Spanish)
Ramita  (Hindu)
Ramiz  (Muslim)
Ramla  (African)
One Who Predicts the Future
Ramm  (Anglo Saxon)
Ramon  (Hispanic)
Form of Raymo Mighty Protector
Ramona  (German)
Feminine Form of Raymond: Counsel; Mighty Protection; Guards Wisely
Ramond  (French)
Guards Wisely
Ramone  (Spanish)
Form of Raymond 'Guards Wisely.'
Ramonita  (Spanish)
Spanish Meaning: Little Ramona
Ramos  (Sanskrit)
Pleasing. Rama Was Mythological Seventh Incarnation of Vishnu and His Story is Told in the Hindi Ramayana
Ramoth  (Biblical)
Eminences, High Places
Ramsay  (Teutonic)
From Ram's Island
Ramsden  (English)
From the Ram's Valley
Ramses  (Egyptian)
Begotten by Ra the Sun God
Ramsey  (Teutonic)
From Ram's Island
Ramy  (Arabic)
Ramya  (Hindu)
Ramya  (Hindu)
Ramzey  (English)
Ram's Island
Ramzi  (English)
Ram's Island
Ran  (Norse)
A Sea Goddess
Rana  (Arabic)
Ranae  (French)
Ranait  (Irish)
Wealthy or Charming
Ranald  (Scottish)
Rules With Counsel. Form of Ronald
Ranaldo  (Teutonic)
Wise Power
Ranalt  (Irish)
Wealthy or Charming
Ranarauna  (Muslim)
To Gaze. Look
Ranaraunaa  (Muslim)
Variant of Ranarauna: to Gaze. Look
Rance  (African)
Borrowed (Rencei, Rancell, Ransel, Ransell)
Rand  (English)
Variants of Randolph 'Wolf's Shield.' Surname
Rand  (Muslim)
Tree of Good Scent
Randahl  (Teutonic)
Wise Power
Randal  (English)
Shield Wolf. Variant of Randolph
Randale  (English)
Variants of Randolph 'Wolf's Shield.' Surname
Randall  (English)
Form of Randolph
Randel  (English)
Variants of Randolph 'Wolf's Shield.' Surname
Randell  (English)
Variants of Randolph 'Wolf's Shield.' Surname
Randi  (English)
Wolf Shield
Randi  (English)
Feminine of Randall (Randie, Randyl
Randilyn  (American)
Protected Waterfall
Randkin  (English)
Little Shield
Randolf  (Teutonic)
Wise Power
Randolph  (English)
House Wolf, Protector. Mythological Wolf Was Esteemed for Courage
Randon  (English)
Variants of Randolph 'Wolf's Shield.' Surname
1469 names found for "R"   (page 7 of 30) 

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Additional Names

Chumin | Glaleanna | Katy | Gifford | Mayleen | Auriville | Bearchan | Mahalia | Marissa | Euphemia | Wybjorn | Charlita | Zofia | Fnam | Jan |