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Baby names beginning with "R"

1469 names found for "R"   (page 9 of 30) 

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Raphah  (Biblical)
Relaxation, Physic, Comfort
Raphu  (Biblical)
Relaxation, Physic, Comfort
Raphu  (Biblical)
Relaxation, Physic, Comfort
Raqim  (Muslim)
Writer. Recorder
Raquel  (Spanish)
From the Name Rachel
Raquella  (French)
Very Expressive
Rasha  (Arabic)
Rashaad  (Arabic)
Thinker; Counselor
Rashad  (Islamic)
Good Judgement
Rashae  (English)
Blend of Ray and Shawn
Rashane  (English)
Blend of Ray and Shawn
Rashaun  (English)
Blend of Ray and Shawn
Rashawn  (English)
Blend of Ray and Shawn
Rasheed  (Arabic)
Thinker; Counselor
Rasheeda  (Muslim)
Variant of Rashida: Conscious. Pious. Wise. Mature
Rashid  (Swahili)
Guided by God
Rashida  (Muslim)
Conscious. Pious. Wise. Mature
Rashidah  (Muslim)
Variant of Rashida: Conscious. Pious. Wise. Mature
Rashidi  (African)
Thinker; Counselor. (Swahili)
Rashmi  (Hindu)
A Ray of Light
Rashmika  (Indian)
Rasia  (Polish)
Rasikh  (Muslim)
Variant of Raasikh: Deep-rooted. Stable
Rasine  (Polish)
Raskogr  (Norse)
From the Deer Forest
Rasmus  (Greek)
Ratana  (Thai)
Ratchiff  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Iv' Richard Scroop, Archbishop of York. Sir Richard Vernon. 'King Henry V' & 'Henry Vi, , , & ', Richard Plantagenet. His Son, Richard. 'Richard Ii'. 'Richard Iii' Richard, Duke of York, Edward
Rateeb  (Muslim)
Variant of Ratib: Arranger
Rathnait  (Irish)
Wealthy or Charming
Rathtyen  (Welsh)
Legendary Daughter of Clememyl
Rati  (Hindu)
Goddess of Love and Beauty. Origin: Sanskrit
Rati  (Hindu)
Most Beautiful Lady, Wife of Cupid
Ratib  (Muslim)
Ratna  (Indian)
A Jewel
Ratnakar  (Indian)
mine of jewels, sea
Ratnavali  (Hindu)
A Bunch of Gems
Raud  (Norse)
Father of Ulf
Raudra  (Hindu)
Rudra's Son, Anger-the Emotion
Rauf  (Islamic)
Compassionate, Merciful
Raul  (Spanish)
Form of Ralph 'Wolf Counsel.'
Raulo  (Spanish)
Raunaa  (Muslim)
Variant of Rana: to Gaze. Look Beautiful. Graceful
Raushan  (Muslim)
Skylight. Bright
Rauthuell  (Norse)
Dwells Near the Red Spring
Ravana  (Indian)
An Unjust King
Ravant  (Hindu)
Son of Sun
Ravati  (Indian)
A Mythical Princess
Raven  (English)
Raven  (English)
1469 names found for "R"   (page 9 of 30) 

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Additional Names

Thera | Aramis | Tonya | Giulia | Zona | Salena | Abharan | Mas'ood | Karmen | Bessie | Saqr | Thoth | Donal | Moketavato | Celesta |