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Names That Mean Ange

452 names found for "Ange"   (page 3 of 10) 

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Looking for names that mean Ange? We couldn't find the exact name Ange, but listed below are some first names meaning Ange or names similar to the word Ange.

Similar Names

Anak | Anas | Anees | Angus | Anis | Ance | Anci | Anga | Angie | Anice |

Related Names

Angerboda  (Norse)
A Giant
Angerbotha  (Norse)
A Giant
Angerona  (Latin)
Goddess of Anguish
Angie  (English)
Short Form of Angela and Angelica. it is Also Used As an Independent Given Name. (An-jee)
Angie  (Latin)
Angie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Angelica: Angel; Like an Angel. from Angelicus Meaning Angelic
Angie  (Greek)
Diminutive of Angela: Feminine Form of Angel, Meaning Messenger or Angel. in , Italian Saint Angela Merici, Founded the Ursuline Order of Nuns at Brescia
Angilia  (French)
Anjali  (Latin)
Angel; Messenger
Anjelica  (Spanish)
Like an Angel
Anjelika  (Latin)
Arachne  (Greek)
Changed into a Spider by Athena
Arella  (Hebrew)
Ashnah  (Biblical)
Ashnah  (Biblical)
Asnapper  (Biblical)
Unhappiness, Increase of Danger
Athangelos  (Armenian)
Name of a Historian
Ava  (Latin)
Variant of Eva: Living One. The Latin Form of the Hebrew Eve. Famous Bearers: Evangeline, Adolf Hitler's Mistress Eva Braun. in the Bible Eve Was Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Baalzebub  (Biblical)
The Devil; Fallen Angel
Bab  (English)
Diminutive of Barbara: from the Greek Barbaros Meaning Foreign or Strange, Traveler from a Foreign Land. in Catholic Custom St. Barbara is a Protectress Against Fire and Lightning
Babita  (Greek)
Babs  (English)
Diminutive of Barbara: from the Greek Barbaros Meaning Foreign or Strange, Traveler from a Foreign Land. in Catholic Custom St. Barbara is a Protectress Against Fire and Lightning
Baibin  (Greek)
Baibre  (Irish)
Bairbre  (Greek)
Barabal  (Gaelic)
Barabell  (Gaelic)
Barb  (Latin)
Barbara  (Greek)
'stranger; Foreigner; Traveler from a Foreign Land.' from the Greek Barbaros. in Catholic Custom St. Barbara is a Protectress Against Fire and Lightning
Barbara  (Greek)
Stranger, Cold, Distant, Idealistic
Barbara  (Latin)
Barbara  (Irish)
Barbara  (English)
From the Greek Barbaros Meaning Foreign or Strange, Traveler from a Foreign Land. Popular in Medieval Britain After the 3rd Century Martyr St Barbara. in Catholic Custom St. Barbara is a Protectress A
Barbie  (English)
Diminutive of Barbara: from the Greek Barbaros Meaning Foreign or Strange, Traveler from a Foreign Land. in Catholic Custom St. Barbara is a Protectress Against Fire and Lightning
Barbra  (Latin)
Barbra  (English)
A Variant of Barbara, Meaning Foreign or Strange, Traveler from a Foreign Land. in Catholic Custom St. Barbara is a Protectress Against Fire and Lightning. Famous Bearer: , American Singer Barbra Stre
Barbro  (Swedish)
Swedish Form of Barbara: Stranger
Basha  (Polish)
Basham  (Greek)
Baubie  (English)
Diminutive of Barbara: from the Greek Barbaros Meaning Foreign or Strange, Traveler from a Foreign Land. in Catholic Custom St. Barbara is a Protectress Against Fire and Lightning
Beelzebub  (Biblical)
The Devil; Fallen Angel
Bellangere  (Arthurian Legend)
Son of Alexandre
Berwick  (English)
From the Barley Grange
Berwyk  (English)
From the Barley Grange
Bobbie  (English)
Diminutive of Barbara: from the Greek Barbaros Meaning Foreign or Strange, Traveler from a Foreign Land. in Catholic Custom St. Barbara is a Protectress Against Fire and Lightning
Bora  (Latin)
Bora  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Barbara, Meaning Stranger
Borbala  (Latin)
Borhala  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Barbara, Meaning Stranger
Boriska  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Barbara, Meaning Stranger
452 names found for "Ange"   (page 3 of 10) 

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Additional Names

Greer | Farrin | Malti | Zain | Lela | Merewood | Eudosis | Pradnesh | Cyndy | Fionnula | Carolyn | Pal | Aubry | Taylan | Tiberia |