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Names That Mean Ange

452 names found for "Ange"   (page 4 of 10) 

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Looking for names that mean Ange? We couldn't find the exact name Ange, but listed below are some first names meaning Ange or names similar to the word Ange.

Similar Names

Anak | Anas | Anees | Angus | Anis | Ance | Anci | Anga | Angie | Anice |

Related Names

Borka  (Latin)
Borka  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Barbara, Meaning Stranger
Borsala  (Latin)
Borsala  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Barbara, Meaning Stranger
Borsca  (Latin)
Borska  (Latin)
Borys  (Polish)
Bram  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Abraham: Father of a Multitude. in Genesis the Old Testament Patriarch Abram's Name Was Changed to Abraham When it Was Revealed He Would Be Father of the Hebrew Nation. Further Populariz
Brielle  (Western)
Hero of God, an Angel; Short for of Gabrielle. Origin: Hebrew
Brittney  (English)
Angel of Kindness
Brosca  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Barbara, Meaning Stranger
Broska  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Barbara, Meaning Stranger
Cadwallen  (Welsh)
Battle Disolver. Also a Variant of Cadwallon: Arranges the Battle
Cadwallon  (Welsh)
Arranges the Battle
Cenobia  (Greek)
Chalfan  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chalfon: Change
Chalfon  (Hebrew)
Cheran  (Biblical)
Cheran  (Biblical)
Circe  (Latin)
The Mythological Sorceress Who Tempted Perseus and Changed His Men to Swine and Back to Men
Clement  (Latin)
From 'Clemens' Meaning Mild or Merciful. Famous Bearer: the British Nursery Rhyme 'Oranges and Lemons' Refers to a Church Dedicated to St Clement, a Disciple of St Paul Who Became a First Century Pope
Clytie  (Greek)
Mythological Water Nymph Who Loved the Sun God Helios. She Was Changed into a Sunflower and Now Always Turns Her Face Toward the Sun
Cocheta  (Native American)
D'Angelo  (Italian)
Variant of Deangelo: from the Angel
Deangelo  (Italian)
From the Angel
Devanshi  (Hindu)
DiAngelo  (Italian)
Variant of Deangelo: from the Angel
Domhnall  (Celtic)
Domhnull  (Gaelic)
Dark Stranger
Don  (Celtic)
Dark Stranger
Donal  (Celtic)
Donald  (Celtic)
Dark Stranger
Donald  (Gaelic)
Dark Stranger
Donall  (Celtic)
Donat  (Celtic)
Doran  (Irish)
Stranger or Exile.Variant of Dorran
Doran  (Celtic)
Doran  (English)
Variant of Dorran 'stranger.'
Doron  (English)
Variant of Dorran Stranger
Doron  (Irish)
Variant of Dorran 'stranger.'
Dorran  (Celtic)
Dorran  (Irish)
Variant of Doran: Stranger
Dorrance  (English)
Variant of Dorran 'stranger.'
Dorrance  (Irish)
Variant of Dorran 'stranger.'
Dorrel  (English)
Variant of Dorran 'stranger.'
Dorrel  (Irish)
Variant of Dorran 'stranger.'
Dorrell  (English)
Variant of Dorran 'stranger.'
Dorrell  (Irish)
Variant of Dorran 'stranger.'
Dorren  (English)
Variant of Dorran 'stranger.'
Dorren  (Irish)
Variant of Dorran 'stranger.'
452 names found for "Ange"   (page 4 of 10) 

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Additional Names

Hyancinthe | Theresa | Caolaidhe | Kelwyn | Arshad | MacLaine | Carmelita | Bamah | Ingemur | Marisabel | Ryu | Hassan 'Askari | Gertraude | Corby | Farihah |